Chapter 36; The Storage Warehouse

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*Hawks POV*

I couldn't see anything. I couldn't feel much other than the chair I was tied down too. My wings weren't tied down to the chair. Instead, they were inbetween the space between the bars on the chair. There was this weird bag like film thing around my wings that prevented me being able to easily use my feathers as a means of escape.

I had no clue of where exactly I was, only that I had been on the phone with Dabi before I blacked out. He had said that Tenko was dangerous. I didn't believe it, he was just so nice yet sarcastic.

Now I really wish I did.

I could feel the cloth that had been bound tightly to my face to block out my vision. However, I had done training blindfolded. If I had my feathers available, this wouldn't matter.

I could see a slight source of light that was mostly taken away by the blindfold suddenly come to life. I turned my head quickly to the side to try and face the reason of the light.

"Hello Hawks. Nice to see that you are awake." It was Tenko. I didn't say anything in response. I saw another light flicker on above me as he got closer to the chair I was tied down to.

I didn't know he was right infront of me until I felt the blindfold get ripped off my eyes and hung loosely around my neck. The sudden flood of light caused me to snap my eyes shut and look down. It took a few seconds before I looked up at Tenko.

"Honestly, I'm glad you're not dead right now. I was afraid for a bit that I had killed ya, but you seem to be pretty alive to me." He said, looking into my eyes as if checking them for something.

I turned away from him and did a quick look over of the room I was in. I seemed to be in the middle of some sort of storage closet with filing cabinets and boxes laid about. I could see into the room Tenko had come through. It was a hallway with another room on the other side. From what I could see through the door, there was a mattress. But that was all I could gather before Tenko grabbed my chin with his thumb and pointer finger and turned me to face him.

I noticed one thing right off the bat when he turned my face. He wasn't wearing his gloves or mask. Sometimes, he would pull his mask down, but he never took it off. And yet, here he was, not mask to be seen.

"What am I doing here?" I demanded, glaring into his eyes. He chuckled softly before letting go of my chin and stepping back.

"That's something that would be better explained if you figured it out yourself." He said, starting to look around at the boxes. "I couldn't possibly explain it to the point of understanding. If you come to the conclusion on your own, well then, maybe you can see where I'm coming from. Then you can hear me out and maybe make the next few months or however long I keep you here easier."

"The next few months?" I more or less asked myself, but Tenko answered anyway.

"I'm going to keep you here for however long it takes." He started to scratch at his neck, casting a glance over at me in the process. "I can estimate, but people are flawed. I can't make the perfect guess of how long it will take." I was starting to get frustrated, being unable to move at all due to my position.

"However long what takes? Why me? I thought I was your friend." I could feel my feathers ruffle inside the bag, being too close together to actually cut it.

"Well, I like to think that we are still friends. I mean, I am jumping hoops so that you can be alive by the end of the week. However, I can't promise anything." With that, I kept my mouth shut. Maybe if I shut up, he would say something useful to my escape.

"You know, I didn't think I was going to live past last night." He laughed after a while. I stayed silent, looking straight down at the floor. "I thought for sure that as soon as I made a wrong move, you would easily be able to kill me even if my quirk is more destructive." He walked back over to the other room before bringing in one short red feather. It must have flew off when I was brought here. It was my chance.

He was examining the feather carefully in his hands. All I had to do is wait.

"Even if my guard was up, you could easily kill me without even being near me. Whereas I have to touch it." I felt a sudden pain. Not like normal pain, but as if I was being pulled apart bit by bit. I didn't say a thing, instead I bit my lip hard until it started to bleed. What did he do anyway?

I looked up at him, watching as he dropped a newly formed pile of dust onto the ground. My breathing was ragged as my body tried to get over the past pain of it.

He was looking straight at me and could easily see the face of agony I had. Glancing back down at the ground, he spoke again.

"So you're feathers can feel things?" He asked. It was obviously a rhetorical question though, because he didn't say a word afterwards.

I could feel a new raising feeling of panic as he realized what he had done. If he wanted, he could do whatever he did to that feather to every other feather on my wings.

However, instead he continued his walk around the room, completely ignoring this new bit of information.


*Dabi POV*

I walked out of the apartment with a plan. Well, I called it a plan, but in reality it was just a few jambled thoughts that made sense in my head. I headed to an alleyway before I took out my phone.


Hey crazy


I can't find Hawks or crusty at his apartment.
Can u txt me if u c either of them?

Do you want my help looking?

No Toga, it's fine.

I promise, I'm not that much of an idiot
I think I know where Shiggy took your love bird

Wait really? Where?

He wrote it in his journal I think
Some sort of warehouse
I'll check
Yeah, it's a storage place. I don't know which one, but I think it might be the one the league owns
That one out by that old clothes store




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