Chapter 32; Meeting With A Stranger

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*Hawks POV*

I didn't notice when a person with black clothing sat down, that was, until they wrapped one arm tightly around my shoulders.

I stiffened suddenly at the arm that seemed to have just appeared. Not looking directly at the person, my eyes quickly moved from left to right. The hand that was currently grabbing onto my shoulder was gloved, sort of. Most of the fingers were cut off leaving the pinky being the only finger that was actually covered.

Glancing over at the person the arm was (supposedly) attached to, I could point out a few key features imediently. The man's eyes were bright red and the hair that could be seen under the hood was a lightish blue. I could see scratches and cracks on the upper part of his face.

I couldn't see the rest of his face, there was a mask. As soon as our eyes met, he pulled his arm away and began to speak.

"Sorry, I didn't think that through." The man had a scratchy voice when he talked. I was extremely confused until it snapped.

"Oh, you're Tenko." Tenko nodded, looking out towards the field infront of us. "What didn't you think through?" I laughed, turning my body slightly to face him.

"Well, do people usually just come up to you and wrap an arm around you without saying a single word first?" He asked, still not looking at me.

"Well, no," I admitted. "Not unless they are some kind of villain or something." That comment caused Tenko to laugh awkwardly while one hand traveled up to his neck. Once he moved, it brought attention to the obvious scratches that collected on his neck. Some had scared over where as others were more raw. Without a second thought, I pulled his arm away from his neck.

"Hey." He snapped, pulling his hand away.

"You're going to hurt yourself. Don't do that."

"You act like you're the first one to say that to me." He chuckled, lifting his hand up again before setting it on his leg. "So, what do you want to talk about?"

"I don't know, what do we usually text about?"

"Texting and real life are two completely different things. I have five times more confidence when I text." He said, turning for the first time to actually look at me.

"I mean, I'm not really. I'm the same except now you get to deal with me without a filter." Tenko gave me an, 'Are you serious?' look.

"Wait, you have a filter?" He questioned, confusion obvious in his voice.

"Not now that we're face to face. Now you have to talk to the real me." I joked, gently poking him in the side with my elbow. He then slapped one hand on the area.

"Oh, ow, a hero has wounded me. Somebody, please, get a doctor." Man did he sound bored when he spoke. Glancing over at me, he said, "I'm joking."

"Yeah, I know." I said, smirking awkwardly. I glanced away from Tenko before he started to speak again.

"So, have you talked to Dabi since your fight yesterday?" I felt my stomach churn. I shook my head and he gave me a questioning look. "Have you tried?"

"Well, no, but-"

"No, try texting him or some shit." He said with that same stone cold tone.

"Alright." He didn't say anything, just watched me with his red eyes.

"Well, aren't you going to text him?" He inquired, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"Now? But isn't it rude?"

"Nah, I'll be your wingman." He said huskly. After a few seconds, he let out a hoarse laugh and pointed to my wings what were folded against my back. "Wing man." I smirked his pun before opening my phone and going to Touya's contact.

Touya <3

hey im sorry about yesterday
do you wanna maybe talk it through tomorrow

Read 3:23 p.m.

"That asshole." Tenko spat suddenly, apparently looking over my shoulder at my phone. I jumped slightly before glancing back at him.

"Hey that's our, I mean, my soulmate you're talking about." I said, trying my best to not remind him about his unreturned soulmate  bond.

"Wing Man, it's fine. Don't pretend that just because I'm a unrequited soulmate that it magically matters to me." He shrugged, glancing back at my phone.

Our conversation continued somewhat like that for a bit until I felt it start to rain. Not like sprinkling, but raining. Hard.

"Well, sorry to cut this short, but nature has decided that our hang out needed a rain check." Alright, so Tenko had horrible puns on his side, got it. "It was fun to finally meet you in person Hawks."

"Yeah, you too. We should do it again sometime."

"Yeah, sometime soon." He said as I stood up. "Hey, if Dabi texts you back, tell me." I nodded my response before I flew off to my apartment.


*Dabi POV*

Shigaraki had gotten back from his walk a few minutes after four. Almost as soon as he had come in, he invited me to play Mario Kart again. I guess that's the only game handyman had his many hands on.

After a few races, he paused the game and turned to me. He looked dead serious.

"What the fuck is up with you? Usually, you're either being quiet and shit or annoying, but today you're just being, mopping. Honestly, it's getting a little sad." I didn't know he could tell the difference.

"Does it have something to do with Hawks?" He asked, putting down the controller. I nodded, and he continued his list of questions before I told him about a fight. I didn't tell him specifics, but he didn't seem to care.

"Have you texted him?" I shook my head.

"No, he texted me earlier apologizing, but I didn't know what to say."

"You know that it tells you if the other person opened the message, right?" He asked as if I was some sort of stupid kid.

"Yeah, so what?"

"So, if he apologized, and it said that you opened the message, but didn't respond, wouldn't you think that would make him a little pissed?" He asked, a smirk dancing on his face. "Seriously, I haven't been close to anyone in years and even I could tell you that. Text him back." He said, turning back to the TV.

Love Birb

hey im sorry about yesterday
do you wanna maybe talk it through tomorrow

No don't be, I'm sry. R u free tmrw?

yeah otherwise i wouldnt have said anything about it


Man, he answered quick.

I didn't have a lot of time to collect my thoughts as Shiga had just started the game again.



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