Chapter 29; Friends Not Everyone Agrees With

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*Dabi POV*

I had my arms around Keigo while we were watching a movie. He had just gotten back to his apartment and I had been hanging out with him after work almost every day. It was nice.

I was happy I was spending a bit more time here, but I couldn't help but feel like I was running away from my issues with Toga that we still hadn't figured out. I tried to not think about it while over at Hawks place, but I could stop it.

My thoughts were interrupted by a quiet ding from Keigo's phone.

"Hey, can you grab that for me?" He asked, looking up at me.

"You have arms, and feathers. You grab it."

"But I'm lazy." He said in a serious tone. "Please." I gave in, picking up his phone and dropping it into his hands. "Thanks." Then he looked down to check it. I glanced over at his phone before looking back at the movie.

"Who ya talking to?" I asked, resting my head on his shoulder.

"No one important."

"Then why are you texting them?" I teased, turning my head to face his neck.

"You remember that number on the note the other day?" I nodded, still laying my head on his shoulder. "Well, it's them. He seems pretty cool." He smirked. I felt a rising feeling of uncertainty but tried to push it down.

"Why did you text it?" I asked timidly, doing my best to stay under control. The note had said something about me, about stuff this Tenko wanted to tell Hawks about me. Despite not knowing him, I felt a small amount of hatred towards this man.

"I don't know, I was bored." He said with a shrug. I started to slowly pull away from him and he turned around to face me.

"Were you even going to tell me about this? If I didn't ask?" Keigo's eyes widened slightly.

"Why is it that big of a deal? I was just texting someone."

"Yeah, and that someone was going to spill stuff about my personal life." I saw his eyes narrow slightly at that comment.

"I thought you trusted me." His voice was still even, but that didn't calm me at all. It was too even if a tone for Hawks.

"I trust you more than most, but that doesn't mean I'm going to tell you everything about me right off the bat. Do you know how stupid that idea is?" He had started to pull away from me, but I don't think I had noticed at the time.

"I don't mind that you're keeping stuff from me, but if Tenko knows something about you and I don't, hell, you don't even know him!"

"And you do? Have you talked to him face to face yet? What if he's just some fan that wanted to talk to the number 2 and you're over here trusting every fucking word he says." I could hear my volume start to rise, but I couldn't care less.

"He's not just some fan, he knows who you are! Why are you getting so worked up about this?"

"Exactly! He knows who I am and you don't care." He was quiet, not saying a single word, but I kept going. "What if he's some sort of serial killer who's been stalking me or some shit? No matter how much you think you know Tenko, you don't, know, shit about him." I looked back down at Keigo and saw that he was looking down slightly with watery eyes.

"You should leave." He said simply. He turned back to the movie before pulling his knees to his chest and using his crossed arms to hold his head. I reached out to put a hand on his shoulder, but his wing brushed me off.

"I said leave." He said sternly, not looking back at me. With a huff, I started walking out to the balcony and locked the door from the outside with the key.

You made him cry.

You're just as bad as Endeavor.

You finally had something good, and you made him cry.

You don't deserve him.

I know I don't.


*Hawks POV*

As soon as Touya left, I picked up my phone to text Tenko. I didn't want to have to focus on him right then.


Yo, I have returned.

i am here

Don't say that.

i am present



Are you good?
You're not as annoying as normal.

yeah im fine
i was just in an argument with dabi

Really, what about?

honestly im not even sure at this point

What do you mean?

well it started with how i shouldnt be texting a stranger then slowly into trust issues then you specifically

So, it's cause I'm a stranger?

well yeah
as much as I would love to say youre not a stranger i havent ever seen you anywhere.

What if we were to become not strangers?

like hang out somewhere

Yeah. Just hang and talk.
It would be fun.

i actually really like the sound of that
where would you like to meet

How about your apartment?

oh yeah
i had forgotten how much of a creeper you are
you know where I live

Yeah, sorry about that.
But how's that idea?

well I would probably be more comfortable somewhere public
i dont know you
not to offend you or anything
but to quote dabi 
"what if hes some sort of serial killer"

You used asterisk and quotation marks, but you can't be bothered with simple capitalization?


Fair enough I guess.
So where are you thinking we meet up?

what about we go to lunch or something

But you're a pro. Wouldn't people just come up to you?
Sorry, I just don't like attention at the wrong time.

no no thats fine
what about the park near that one KFC

You capitalized KFC, but not anything else?

its a proper noun

So is Dabi, but you don't capitalize that.

is the park good

Yeah, parks great.
When do you want to meet?

well I have night patrol tomorrow so I should be good any time until 8

Okay, hows three tomorrow?

sounds a little late but okay

What can I say?
I'm not a morning person.

well okay ill see tomorrow at 3 not a morning person

Dun dadada dun dun dun


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