Chapter 41; A Family A Bit Beyond Repair

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*Dabi POV*

Had I been ignoring my boss for the last few days?


Have I stayed at Keigo's apartment for those days?

Yes 100%.

I was currently laying in his bed being used as some sort of pillow with one wing overtop of me. I could hear him breathing softly and feel his breath on my chest. His phone would light up with some sort of notification, but I would flip it over so he wouldn't have to worry about it. He needed to sleep. Plus, today was his day off. If they were going to revoke it, they could at the very least wait until he woke up naturally.

I gently ran my fingers through his hair until I heard him hum slightly. I froze, waiting for him to slip back into sleep. Instead, he sat up and looked over at me with a derpy grin.

"Good morning." He said, his voice slightly scratchy from just waking up. I smiled up at him as he leaned down and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"Good morning." I said as he pulled away. "How'd you sleep birdy?" He reached over me and grabbed his phone.

"Actually, pretty good. How did you sleep?

"Okay." Liar. He glanced at his phone with a smile before laying back down, facing me.

"Guess who still has a day off-" I felt my smile grow slightly wider when he said that. I got a whole day with my little lovebird.


At least, I thought so.

But then I was told I had to go to work because "I couldn't be pissed forever," and "I had to go to work like a responsible adult," or some shit like that. So now I was in my own room without Keigo while he was doing whatever.

I just wish we could have one day, just one. I get it, he's a hero and he needs to help people, and I'm something else entirely, but I still wanted to do something with him.

I had a meeting with the rest of the league about a potential new member. As if I would care. Nine out of ten chance I wouldn't like them. They would just be another Aruna or muscular, someone who I just didn't really care about.

I heard a knock on the door. I believed it was Toga, so I opened the door.

News flash, it wasn't Toga.

I imediently closed the door on Shigaraki and sat back on the bed. I thought he was gone until he knocked again.

"What?" I snapped.

"The new member is going to be here soon. I want to hear your opinion on him."

"Not gonna happen. I'm not gonna like him, so why bother?" I knew I was probably not talking the way I should to my boss, but I wasn't thinking of him as my boss at that moment.

"I really doubt that. I think you'll like him." He said pretty calmly. I stood up and walked back to the door.

"And why do you think that?" I opened the door and saw Shigaraki standing there scratching his neck. Looking at the ground.

"Just, trust me. Alright?"

"Trust you? Seriously?"

"No, you're right. You shouldn't. But I think you should just this once." He didn't look up at me, instead just continuing to stare at the ground.

"You know what? Fine. But I won't promise you anything." I said, pushing past him and closing the door. "When will he be here?" Shigs shrugged before Kurogiri answered from the other room.

"Soon. You might as well wait here. Are you guys hungry? I can get snacks ready." He said behind the bar scrubbing the glass as always.

"That would be great." Shiga started before I interrupted.

"Yeah, thanks Mom." He looked like he was annoyed, but at this point he accepted it.

The entire league called him Mom, but if I'm being honest, he's a better parent than Endeavor. By a long shot.

There was a knock on the door, one knock, then three, then three more. Shigaraki snapped his head towards the door before waving me away.

"You go grab Toga and Twice. Bring them back here. Aruna will not be a part of this decision." Then he went to the door to let them in while I followed orders.

It was weird that he told this one where our base was instead of having Kurogiri teleport him here. I guess Shigaraki has plans of just killing him if he doesn't make the cut.

"Yo, Thing 1, Thing 2, new guy's here." I said, knocking on the open doorframe. Toga's face lit up as she skipped out of the room with Twice following behind her.

I can't wait to see this guy, whoop de do. Whatever. She's way to happy for this.

Toga got to the bar first, and that's when I knew something was up. She had used this high pitched squeal as soon as she got in. When I followed her inside, I saw why.

There standing infront of me was Keigo. He wasn't in his hero costume or anything, just some simple everyday clothes. I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

"Everyone, this is Hawks. He has agreed to be in the league and help as a spy. Before anyone asks, I did not pick him for any particular reason and you have no evidence to say otherwise." He said, gesturing to Keigo with one arm.


*Hawks POV*

I could feel Touya's eyes on me, but I didn't look directly at him. I just continued to listen to everyone talk. Eventually they came to their decision, saying that I would be of great use to the League. Well, all except Touya who didn't say a word.

I felt someone rest an arm on my shoulder to see Tenk, no, Shigaraki there.

"I hope you don't regret your decision. I don't think you will, as long as you don't make me regret mine." He said before walking away towards the bar. It was weird being here without feeling like I was being watched. Like, everyone had their eyes on me, but I didn't feel any sort of danger.

"Hey birdy, follow me. We need to talk." I heard Touya whisper to me. I did as he said as he lead me into a room with a bed in the corner. I guess this was his.

"Do you have any clue what you just got yourself into?" He was unreadable right now as he shut the door and turned back to me. I didn't answer, so he continued.

"You know none of us have any chance at a normal life? We can't just back out of it. We don't have that choice." He growled.

"Neither do I. Besides, you all have good points. I'm always the scape goat anyway, now I can somewhat fit in. You guys just seem like some big family, and I want to be a part of it and help you and this 'family.'" He opened his mouth before he froze looking back at me. He started walking up to me before wrapping his arms around me tightly.

"Just, I don't want you to get hurt because you're with us. You're right, this is a family, but we are a family a bit beyond repair. Do you get that?" I nodded while hugging back.

"I am happy having a family at all."



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