Chapter 30; Conflicting Feelings

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*Shigaraki's POV*

I did what I said I would do.
Sort of.

I have a plan thought through,
the perfect plan other than the tiny thing I hadn't accounted for.

Of course, that's fine.
I have lived my whole life ignoring my feelings towards people the best I could.

But now, I am feeling things and I don't think I can just push these aside.

I have been texting Hawks for the past couple days and I have finally made plans with him.
He wouldn't agree if he knew who I was, so I used Tenko.
If I do ever become brave enough to rewrite all I have written to show you, I will explain the meaning of the name.

I promise.

It would be so easy to get him at his apartment, but that isn't why I wanted to meet there.
If I was out with him, there would be a higher chance I would be recognized.

I never planed getting rid of him the first time I saw him.
Actually, that's a lie.
I was going to send him a text begging him to help me because of some villain in the woods.

Then he wouldn't be seen again.

But he doesn't seem horrible.
He doesn't deserve to be tricked like that I guess.

The next part is what is going to be a little tricky.
How do I keep him from being suspicious?
How do I stay undercover?

I guess I could go the way I usually do, but would that work with him?
Has he seen my face before?
I'm probably just being paranoid.

Anyway, I don't know what to do to him once he trusts me.
I can't kill him, that has been off the table the entire time.

I'll figure it out.

I find out how to protect you from him, even if you don't need it.
I'll do my best for you.

So, what do you guys think will happen when Shiggy and Hawks meet up?


You'll see~

Love y'all


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