Chapter 17; Caged Birds Don't Sing

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*Dabi POV*

Toga had just came out of the room where Hawks was kept for the fourth time this week. She went in each day to try and pry info from him, but each day she wouldn't tell me what he had said. Each time when I asked, she would reply with a "Why don't you go and ask him yourself?"

Sure, I hadn't talked to him since the day he woke up, and no I don't have what Toga would consider a good reason. I just didn't want to talk to him. He looked so, betrayed last time. I mean, he's not in the wrong, but he's an idiot for actually thinking I tolerated him, even if he isn't wrong.

The only time I had seen him in the past four days was when he went to the bathroom, Toga leading the way and bringing him back. He was only allowed out for the bathroom.

"You should go talk to him today, he's in a good mood." Toga smirked, locking the door and turning to me. I didn't say anything, just turned my head away. "At least go in there to give him something to eat. If you think I've been feeding him these past few days, you'd be wrong. He gets water from the faucet, but I think he'd appreciate if you gave him something to eat."

He hadn't been eating for four days? I rolled my eyes at her before heading away from the door.

"Why didn't you feed him?" I grumbled, narrowing my eyes at her.

"He's not my problem. He's your soulmate." I sighed, grabbing a plate and putting it on the counter. No one was at the hideout today other than me, Toga, Kurogiri and Shigaraki. Well, and Hawks I guess.

"What are you two up to?" Kurogiri inquired, staring at us suspiciously. For some reason, whenever me and Toga did anything we were always assumed to be up to something. And yet when Toga and Twice are hanging out everything's all fine and dandy.

"Dabi's just getting something for the birdie I caught." She giggled, grabbing onto the plate, holding it up with both hands. I plucked it from her hands and put it back on the counter and taking out some bread. Toast was fine, I think. He'll live.

I cancelled out the two talking behind me while I continued making toast. Unlike Hawks, we actually had a toaster, so I made him a few pieces and put it on the plate.

I picked up the plate and turned back to Toga. She was still talking with Kurogiri, so I cleared my throat loudly.

"So, are you coming?" I asked, getting her attention. Toga looked from Kurogiri to me before shaking her head no.

"Nah, you go feed the bird, I'm talking to Mom." She responded, throwing the keys to me before turning back to Kurogiri and continuing their conversation. With a huff, I started heading to the door with the keys in one hand and the plate on the other.

It took a second to fit the key into the door, but soon, I was able to unlock it and push it open.

Hawks was standing, I think he had been pacing around the length of the table before I had gotten there. The straps on the table had been undone. I was about to act, but then I saw something around his leg. It was a solid bracelet wrapped around his ankle with a chain looped around the table leg. That must have been what the other two keys on the key ring was for.

Hawks didn't have his jacket on, instead it was laid on top of the table. His black and yellow (fucking bee) suit had a small tear on his chest and there was a long, thin cut on his face from his Eyebrow to the top of his cheek. His eyes were wide open and his pupils were focused on me. The wings on his back were slightly ruffed and opened slightly, as if he was going to take off.

"Hey." I said, refusing to look away from him. "I thought you might like to eat something, so I made toast." I walked slowly towards him before putting the plate on the table and backing up. Still eyeing me, he flattened his wings to his back and got closer to the plate. As soon as he picked it up, his eyes looked from the plate in his hand, then to me, then back to the plate.

"Go on, you're hungry aren't you? Toga just said she hadn't been feeding you, and you've been here for a few days. At this point, your body would have decided it can't live off of ketones and, in simple terms, starts to eat itself. So, go ahead. I don't want you dying like this." I ended with a laugh, but I was being dead serious.

Hesitantly, Hawks started to nibble off the end of one piece of toast before shoving the toast into his mouth. He then finished the piece before starting to devour the next. He didn't notice me get closer to him before I grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand away from his face.

"You're going to make yourself sick. Slow down." I said, letting go of his wrist. He still didn't say anything to me, but continued to eat. As soon as he finished the second piece, he looked up at me.

"Thanks, for not letting me starve to death." He muttered, not breaking eye contact. Then he looked back down at the plate and picked up the final piece of toast and continued eating.

"Welcome." I said, stealing the plate from him and started to walk out of the room until I felt Hawks grab my wrist pulling me back. The warmth felt overwhelming, even more so then the first times. I tried to push those feelings away and turned back to face Hawks who seemed just as effected, maybe even more so.

Looking up into my eyes, he pulled his hand back and released my wrist. He didn't say anything, just looked down.

"Yes?" I asked, glaring down at him.

"Why haven't you been here?" He whispered, staring down at the table. "Toga said you were going to be here sooner."

"I didn't think you were going to want to see me."

"Well, I did."

Nothing but dead silence followed.

I looked at the hooks on the wall before pulling two keys off of the key ring and replacing them with the only other two keys on the hooks. I then left the keys to the chain on the hooks before turning back to him.

"The only people that will be at the bar this weekend will be me, Toga, and this other girl. That would be the best time to 'Win' against us." I stated, holding one finger to my lips. "But don't tell Toga. She doesn't know that we will loose, at least not yet."

I didn't say another word as I left the room and locked the door.


I don't know what to say in my defense.

Have a good day.


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