Chapter 48- Joe

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Joe's pov:-

I watched as she walked away, back into the bedroom, I was scared, I had never acted that way around anyone let alone her. I had never been that angry and I had no idea why either. I just couldn't stop myself? That was a scary thought, what if she hadn't of pushed me off, then what?.

I let a small tear dribbled down my cheek, I hadn't ment to hurt or scare her, I just hoped she knew this. I stood staring at the door, hoping she would appear and rush into my arms again telling me it would all be okay but she didn't. After about 10 minutes I took one glance at the door and left, I needed to clear my head. I knew everything I had said to Sophie was a lie and yet I somewhat believed it. 


Was it because Marcus had put the thought in my head yesterday? Last night he came to me whilst Sophie was down stairs talking to Connor and made me wonder if there was something between her and him and if there was, whether or not she had acted on it.

That night my head spun with quetions, but I knew she would just deny them if I asked, I had no way of knowing the truth and if Sophie didn't say I couldn't ask Connor. I watched as she led perfectly sound and asleep next to me, a sight that would normally be touching and lovely and would leave me with a smile but this time it just felt wrong and cold.

Why couldn't I get the thoughts out my head?

I walked to the front door, pulled it open and left, I would be back soon, I just needed time to think. I sighed deeply, plugged my head phones in and started to walk, not caring to where I was heading or who knew I was gone.


Marcus' pov:-

I watched as Joe left the house, tears running down his cheeks, my plan had worked almost too well. A small smile appeared on my face, he seemed to believe me when I told him that I didn't trust Sophie around Connor.

I saw sophie walk into the living room, smiling and happy as usual, nothing out of the ordinary. She smiled at me and skipped into the kitchen where Connor was located, soon laughter emitted through the door and I knew this was my chance to confront Joe.

I rose from the sofa and crept through the hallway, I didn't want anyone to know what I was about to do. Everyone else seemed to love Joe and Sophie together, but they couldn't see the damage they caused to each other and I was going to fix this. I ran up the stairs, taking two at a time and was soon at Joes door, I knocked and at first there was no answer, then about a minute later, someone told me to enter.

I opened the door to see Joe, led on the bed with his laptop on his lap, "Marcus, hey buddy" he greeted me, scooting over so I could sit next to him. I sat down before greeting him back sadly, causing him to give me a weird glance and close his laptop screen. I sighed heavily and leaned back on the bed, "dude whats wrong?" Joe asked concerned.

I turned to look at him, "Joe I hate to say this to you but I think Sophie's cheating or has cheated on you" I said sadly, looking down at the bed. At first he looked shocked then he looked extremely angry." What do you mean you think she's cheated on me? Who the fuck with?" He shouted rising from the bed to pace around the room.

"I mean, I think she and Connor have some special thing that they aren't telling you about" I said watching as he walked past the bed serval times, hand running through his hair, tugging it out of place. "Connor?" He said weekly, stopping in at the middle of the bed to look at me. I just nodded causing him to look down. He looked so hurt and wounded, maybe this wasn't the best idea?

"Dude its only a thought, I don't know if they have but I think you better find out" I said getting off the bed to walk over to him. I reached him and wrapped him up in a hug, he looked as if he needed one. He just stood there as I hugged him, broken. He didn't know what to do. In the end he just nodded and hugged me back.

"Thankyou but can I just be alone for a while, to think things through?" He asked in a lost tone of voice, causing me to feel bad for him. I nodded and left. I shut the door behind me and was about to walk away when there was a scream and crying coming from behind the door. I just looked down and made my way down the stairs to return to my normal life.


I turned away from the window and rose from the sofa, 'this was the right thing' I told myself as I walked to the kitchen. I needed something to keep my energy up, I had hardly slept last night because I was worried for Joe, for Sophie and I was over run with guilt, but I knew I had to tell him at some point.

I turned on the kettle and got out serval cups, I thought that Sophie and whoever she was with, if anyone would like one as well. I poured the coffee into each cup along with milk and hot water and added sugar to those I knew liked it. I then grabbed three cups and walked upstairs.

I searched each room without finding Sophie, until I got to Dan and Phils room. I knocked on he door with my elbow trying not to spill the coffee all over myself. The door opened and Sophie's face peered round, her eyes were red and puffy and I knew she had been crying.

"Oh marcus come in" she said opening the door fully to let me in. I walked in and placed the cups on the side, she sort of smiled at me before lying back on the bed and turning her attention to the tv screen. " You okay?" I asked sitting on the bed, she paused the game and turned to look at me.

"Marcus im fine, Dan and Phil are here, were just playing sonic"  she said smiling at me. I stared down at her, I wasn't an idiot, something was wrong but if she said everything was cool and didn't feel like telling me that was fine. " Okay, well theres coffee for each of you" I sighed walking to the door.

"Thankyou" she smiled at me "You're a good friend" and with that I left.

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