Chapter 35 Zoe

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I found Sophie standing outside of Joes room looking though the glass watching the nurses rushing around him. Her head was tiled against the glass and her hand was plastered on the cold pane. As I walked up to her she began to cry softly. "I could of lost him Zoe, we all could of, his family, his friends, his fans all could of lost him and it was all my fault" she said turning towards me, tears running down her face. "hey, hey calm down... its okay, you weren't to know, no one was" I grabbed her around the shoulders into a big bear hug.

"Zoe?" sophie asked me softly "can we help a little girls dream come true, she's just lost her mother". I smiled at her and nodded, we would try depending on what it was, "tell me about her?" I asked her sitting down on the seats behind us. Sophie went on to tell me the sweetest story about this little girl and her dream to create a charity which helps family who have lost parents or people in car accidents. I knew with the youtubers help we could raise a serious amount of cash for this charity.

Since we still had an hour till we were allowed to see Joe, Sophie and me went to find this little girl whos name was grace. We found her and her granmother getting ready to leave to go and break the news to the other family members. She was about 5 years old, had blonde hair which was styled with pated pigtails, honey coloured eyes and pale skin which showed off the small dusting of freckles that covered her cheeks. I knew right from the start she was a determind little girl that would fight for what she wanted. It made me want to help her more.

After just under an hour meeting with the little girl, Grace's Gift was born. Me and sophie would be celebrity supporters for the up and coming charity and would help grace's with getting donations, spreading the word, creating a website and for getting special people who help others through the process.

When we left to go to Joes room I could see something was still troubling Sophie, her head was down as we walked, she was sighing alot and her smile that was normally plastered on her face was gone. "Sophie is everything okay?" I said putting my arm around her as we walked down the corridoor to the green double doors. "Zoe im fine, im just really worried about Joe, I dont want it to happen again". "I know I would hate for it to happen again, it really worried me to but you have to see that at this moment he is happy and healthy and still alive. You have more time to spend with him and isn't that the best thing?"

Sophie nodded and gave me a big hug, her smile had somewhat returned. I was happy that I could help alittle even if it meant that I couldn't show my fears or worries for Joes future. "Zoe I forgot to ask but how are you doing.... you know with baby? what did the others say?" I thought about the question, how was i doing, i didn't know myself, I looked at her and she raised her eyebrows questioning my silence. "They took it well, they were extremely happy for us both and im glad everybody supports us, we just have to tell the fans now" I said taking in a deep breath what would the fans think?.

"Hey... your fans love Zalfie don't worry, millions of people love your romance and will support you whatever the decision, You two are the best couple alive on the youtube scene not even #Jophie can compete" Sophie said standing infront of me and putting both of her hands on my shoulders. "Zoe you will be a brilliant mother and Alfie will be a great father you have nothing to worry about, everyone is here for you, you arent alone in this". I smiled and grabbed her into a massive hug, "Thankyou, I love you so much" I whispered to her.

We walked up to Joe's door hand in hand before knocking and entering where Joes smiling face greeted us. We entered and started talking about Joe's treatment, twitter, the youtube world, Joes game channel and the fact that he would need to upload a load of video whilst still in hospital and the baby.

During a very strange talk about penguins trending on twitter I got a text from Alfie immediately followed by several more by Jim, Caspar, Marcus, Louise and Tanya asking about Joes condition. I decided to excuse myself and call them all to say about Joe. Once outside I called Alfie who answered on the second ring. "Zoe everyones here, we thought we would stay together so you wouldn't have to call us all" "Thanks guys thats thoughtful, now Joes condition yesterday was bad he didn't wake up until this morning". I breathed taking a deep breath as I didn't want to get upset again.

"Turns out he has a whole in his heart which means that when he over exercises, stresses out or even worries about something, his heart has to work harder than ours and it sometime misses a beat. This means it can cause him to go into a state of shock like fainting". I said down the phone which caused a couple of people gasping. Alfies voice then asked the one question she was just about to answer. "so what happed to him the other day, you got told he almost died right, so how?"

"Joes heart the other day had trouble hetting back into rhythm and tried to get it back itself by missing another beat this caused Joe to go into a state of shock in which his heart could cope with and therfore stopped slightly" I said tearing up. We all spoke about certain conditions each one of us would have to do when around Joe now before I hung up to see if Sophie and Joe wanted a coffee.

I arrived at the door only to see through the window that Joe and Sophie were asleep, Sophie's head was in Joe's lap and Joe's arm was around her holding as if sheltering her from something. I grabbed a coffee and waited outside the room, my mind traveled to the baby and if I could cope. I had always wanted kids but was I ready?

I just hoped that everyone including myself had the confidence that sophie had in me.

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