Chapter 58- Joe and Sophie (Teddy Talk)

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Little authors note before the story starts:-
One :go check out my girly katniss0028 she adorable, so friendly, love her to peices and is just starting her Danisnotonfire story, so go send her some love. ♥
Two: this story is almost at the end but if you want I may create a sequel if you want, im not sure yet...?
Three: Sorry for stort chapter, it just felt like it needed to be ended here x
Plus thankyou for the amazing support with this story, I truely love you all.
Now on to the story...

(Sophie's pov)
"Zoe honestly stop fussing, im fine, I just had a little down point" I sighed, trying to knock her hand away as she yet again grabbed my hand in hers and tightened the bandages. "Sophie stop it, they need caring for and you can't exactly call this a little down point" she said looking up at me her big blue eyes full of unshed tears.

"Just let me help you, please" she whispered as a tear slipped down her cheek before being wiped away by her gentle touch. I sighed, she was only trying her best, she always felt upset when I cut because I guess she thought she couldn't help much in the situation.

But honestly the only reasons I do it is so im in control of the pain or that I can actually feel something for once. "Okay, but please hurry I dont like dwelling in the past" I said turning to face the floor, away from her gaze, the gaze that pitted me, that I truely hated.

When she finally stopped she sighed, sat next to me on the bed and grabbed the soft teddy dog that lay in a bundle on my bedsheets. She looked down at it and smiled "do you remember when Joe got this for you, back when you were six?" she asked breaking the silence. I turned and looked over at her petting the teddy in her hand staring out into space, a huge smile on her face.

I giggled softly "yeah I do, it was the first time we said we were friends, he spend all his allowance on something, just for me" I replied with a sigh as I took the dog from Zoes grip and looked at its shaggy fur and holey ear. It had been through the though times, the best times, the worse time, the drunk times, the suicidal times, the cry my heart out times and the loving times.

"Who would have thought you'd still have it now, still use it when everything is wrong" she sighed getting up and walking out the room.

Leaving me alone with my thoughts, once again.

(Joe's Pov)

"No fuck it, fuck my youtube channel, my subscribers, my family and friends, fuck them all, everything ruined, Gone!" I silently screamed to myself as I stormed down the path, tears pouring from my eyes.

I quickly and aggressively wiped them from my eyes as fast as I could, I would not be weak and cry over this, I would not make a sound, I would leave silently without bothering anyone. I was nothing but a waste of time and space to them anymore.

I gulped and came to a stop as I reached the entrance of the park, although I was sure this was the right idea something inside of me made me stop and rethink.

I quietly pushed the thought of wrongness back but couldn't shake the feeling to atleast stop and think about my decision. In the end I reached the place I had chosen to go and sat down staring out at the world around me.

It truely was beautiful, the lake glowed; each speck or ripple of water sparkled like diamonds, glistened in the light that poured from the street lamps overhead. The trees twisting wrapping around above me, surrounding my in a warm, leavy embrace, the soft lul of downtown traffic that soothed me, the moon big and bright, a guiding light in the darkness that surrounded me and the stars that reminded me of stories, memories, FATE. The things that would lead me home when I was lost.

I sighed was this natures way of telling me things would change, get better, that this was all Gods plan, a story soon to be rewritten? Or that wasn't over yet? That our fairytale was still starting and not ending?

I half smiled and settled against the rocks, maybe I would wait this out. But first I needed to text her, to know she cared.

I grasped my phone with in my hand and turned on the screen only to be greeted by a photo of her, her unfake, beautiful smile. The one that made my heart race faster, my skin tingle and my stomach experience butterflies like no other. I relaxed and dried my eyes, she still cared somewhere deep in side her.

I unlocked the phone and there I was greeted yet again with a photo of both of us when we were children side by side with a photo of us now, in both picture she was holding the first thing that I ever gave her besides my love, friendship and heart and that was a little stuffed dog.

I smiled how times changed and yet her love for me, my sister and that teddy have stayed the same all the way through.

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