Chapter 2- Sophie

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So I've realised you dont really know me or who I was speaking to so I'll rewind for you. I'm Sophie, a youtuber from Bath, I'm about 5.7ft in height, my weight is average, im a size 12, I have medium length chestnut brown hair, green eyes, quite pale skin and a big boob size which is unusual.

The person I was just talking to, thats Joe, Thatcher Joe, which some of you might know as Joe Sugg. Me and him have known each other a while now, well... when I say a while I mean from the age of 4 upwards :)

We met in primary school and hit it off, ever since then I've stayed good friends with him and his sister Zoe. We've been through all sorts of things together and are very close, I think he knows more about me that I do.

What Joe was just talking about was his gaming channel, he's been working on it from the start of  November to the end of March, and its April now. The reason he asked me to help is because I also do a gaming channel which I started around october time which has brought me in a lot of subscribers and notice from companies, which Joe hopes will happen for his channel too.

so back to the present:

"So let me get this straight, you want me to go out, buy some games with my own money, for your gaming channel and then come and play them with you?" I questioned.

"Of course" he said with a laugh. "That's what friends are for arent they?," I shook my head, 'when is he ever gonna learn' I thought, "Okay, okay, just 'cause you're beautiful, I will do it this one time " I laughed. "Anything else you want? Maybe a Starbucks or a McDonald's, or both?"

He laughed "nah, just bring yourself ...  and those games of course".

"Okay I'll see you at 12 as I've got some editing to do and I've got to get these games, you so desperately want, by the way I don't promise they'll be good ones" I said. " Thats okay, see you at mine then mate?," he asked.

"Yeah sure but please don't call me mate it sounds so boyish and we both know im a girl" I said doing my most girly high pitched voice down the phone. "Owch that frequency just hurts my ears, did you have to go so high?" he asked as if in pain. "Yes I did" I laughed, "okay babes see you at your at 12". "Byesss" he shouted. "BYE!!" I screamed down the phone, just before the line disconnected. 

I looked at the time on my phone, it was now 9, I had to get up, get ready, edit and get Joes stuff for his video ready, all before 12. I needed to move.

Getting ready took less time than I expected, I was showered, dressed, fed and had just started editing by 9:30, 'at this rate I'll finish editing the video, get the games and still have time to spare before joining Joe' I thought.

By 10:30 edditing was completed and I had just arrived in town. Bath was packed with shoppers of all shapes and sizes, each carring different amounts of bags. Bath was my home, I had been born and raised here and it was what I was use to this chasos.

I arrived at the shop easily enough (CEX- a local game shop where games, new or old, secondhand or off the shelf were sold at reasonable prices). I headed towards the XBox 360 and the Xbox one games, I searched around for a couple of minutes not finding anything good, before I found some cheap games that may be completely rubbish or actually quite good.

Sonic was the first game I spotted and it reminded me, that me and Joe used to love watching stuff like this, we'd sit there arguing over what character we were most like.

I had to get it, especially if it was 2 or 4 player, I flipped it over, I was in luck, player vs player and two player game play. I smiled as the thought of kicking his ass crossed my mind.

I searched some more before finding a dancing and singing game that I knew Joe would hate, this game, however it needed the Xbox connect and guess who happened to have one? me! 

I smiled evilily at the thought of Joe dancing to womaniser on his new channel. I went and paid for the games at the till, together it cost me £25.00 but that was fine I imagined i'd play the dancing game again.

I looked at the time it was now 11am and I still had to pop home, get the stuff and pick up Joe's surprise.

I rushed to Joe's house and was there a couple of minutes after 12. I was just about to knock a second time when Zoe opened the front door, she smiled at me before shouting. "Told you it would be her, you owe me £10" she smiled at me and wrapped me into a hug.

"Typical, he bet I wouldn't show" I said smiling, rolling my eyes and stepping through the door. I handed Zoe one of the bags I had in my hand. "here you go, I thought I'd treat you" I told her as she looked in the bag. "Sophie there such a thing as treat and this is not it, this is a gift", she said lifting the dress out of the bag. I also handed her another bag which contained a coffee from starbucks and a Mcdonald 's meal. She squealed, hugged me and ran up stairs to try the dress on.

"What was that high pitched noise and what caused it to happen? " I heard a voice ask to the side of me. "Joe, that squeal was your sister and she screamed because I brought her a new dress, Starbucks and McDonalds, now do you want your surprise?" I asked turning towards him.

"Um.. Duh. Of course I want my surprise" he said holding out his hands and closing his eyes. I laughed "You can be such a little kid sometimes" I said jokingly.

"Its not much, sorry" I said placing the envelope in his hands. "Okay you can look" I told him as he opened his eyes.

At first he looked confused, it crossed across his face and made his eyebrow raise. Finally he won't to open it, he broke the letters seal, a strange look, plasted across his face. "Surprise!" I say almost unsure he likes the present.

"Surprise?" he questions "Is that all you can say?"

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