Chapter 23 Zoe

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I woke up at 10 o'clock, in a really uncomfortable position, my back ached and my neck was sore, turns out I had fallen asleep on the living room sofa in Caspar's and Marcus' apartment along with everyone else. I looked around the only person that wasn't still led on the sofa was Niomi, I sat up stretching and yawned before standing up to go find her.

I tiptoed past the boys, trying not to wake them, into the kitchen, here I found Niomi leaning on the kitchen counter eating a bowl of cereal, she smiled before putting another spoonful into her mouth. I waited until she had finished her mouthful before I spoke, she swallowed and I finally asked her what she thought Sophie had got up to with Joe last night. " I kinda want to know, what they got up to last night, if im honest, but at the same time I don't beccause it's my brother and I don't wanna hear about his sex life"  I said making quotation marks around the words 'got up to', before sighing and halling myself up to sit on the kitchen side. Niomi smiled " I totally agree, I want to know however I don't at the same time because it will just feel awkward afterwards and I'll just look at the both of them in a different way". I nodded, I understood completely, there was a fine line between what I wanted to hear and what I didnt.

After having some breakfast I asked Niomi if she wanted to film a video after we had got changed and had a shower, she agreed and we went to our rooms to get ready. I slipped off my clothes from yesterday and walked into the bathroom, I locked the door before hopping in the shower, I turned the shower on and backed away from the cold spray. I waited until it had heated up to start washing my face, hair and body. Once I had finished my shower, I wrapped my towel around myself and headed back into the bedroom.

I was sat on the bed brushing and drying my hair with just a towel wrapped around me when Alfie walked in, he smiled at me and then winked, obviously noticing my attire. He came and sat down on the bed next to me and began stroking my back, I sighed, in his company I always relaxed, I was so comfortable with him it was never stressful unless we were playing sims for Alfies gaming channel.

"Babe, im going to be filming a video with Niomi this morning , if thats okay, but you should probably make plans or hang out with the boys" I said turning to look at him, he smiled and nodded, "don't worry little one", he said stroking my hair," I've already made plans with the boys today, however later on im sure you and Niomi could join us after lunch if you're done". "Sure sounds fun" I said standing up to collect my clothes from the wardrobe. I picked out the dress Sophie had brought me, styled my hair, shoved some sandles on and then decided to brush my teeth.

Alfie followed suit and began to get changed, however I was thankful that we didn't have to leave the room each time someone wanted to get changed. I was glad our relationship was so solid and that we loved each other so much that we didnt care what we looked like. Once I was ready I waved goodbye to Alfie and walked down the hall to Marcus' and Niomi's room, I knocked and waited, there was alot of rustling and sudden noises before Marcus finally opened the door, in just his jeans.

"Babe, Zoe's here" he called out awkwardly, as if I had just disturbed something, I smiled and apologied for disturbing something important. Marcus shook it off as no big deal and invited me into the room, saying that Niomi would be ready soon and that he was leaving as soon as he got his shirt on. I walked in and sat on the perfectly straightened bed whilst Marcus rustled through his t-shirts only to find the one he was looking for was at the bottom of the pile.  He slipped it on, grabbed his phone, wallet and keys off the side before shouting that he was going to Niomi and waving goodbye to me.

He walked out the door just as Niomi came out of the bathroom, she smiled and apologised for the awkwardness that had conspired between me and Marcus. I then apologised for disturbing them in the middle of something. "Don't worry, its fine, he'll get over it and plus how were you to know?"  Niomi said smiling. I shook my head " no idea, anyway should we start getting ready for the video ?" I said unpacking the recording equipment. It took us about 15 minutes to set up the lights, the microphone and to put the camera on the right setting.

Finally everything was set up and we began making our haul video, a few mistakes were made and I decided that a bloober video could also be made along witn the main channel one. By the time we were finished it was around 12:30 and I was starting to get hungry so me and Niomi decided to get some food before calling the boys to ask what they were up to and if we could tag along. We were down stairs making sandwiches when we heard mumbling coming from the living room, we walked out to see Sophie Joe and Bailey all packed up and ready to leave.

Me and Niomi smiled and said hello before finishing making our sandwiches and retiring into the lounge to eat them. As we entred Sophie and Joe who were sat on the sofa together watching Bailey, who was going mental, greeted us. We sat on the sofa opposite them. I wanted to know what had happened but at the same time I didn't want to ask. Everytime I went to say something so did Niomi. In the end Joe gave up " Guys just admit it you want to know what happened last night" he said looking at us judgingly.

Me and Niomi looked at each other before glancing at Joe and Sophie sheepishly.  Sophie smiled and shook her head" don't mind him guys it's okay, you're not the only ones" and with that I cheered up. "Okay tell us but spare us and don't give us the details of what happened when you got back last night", I said, worried Sophie would. Sophie smiled nodded and agreed saying that it would be awkward anyway. She then went on to tell us about what sounded like the best date ever, I was jealous, I never knew my brother was so romantic.

When Sophie had finished I was speechless, it sounded incredible, I just couldn't help but stand up, go over to Joe and shake his hand, "Well done, little bro I'm proud". Niomi and Sophie laughed as they saw Joe's confused face. "What?" he said questioning the handshake, "I only did what any guy should do". Me, Niomi and Sophie then shouted out "Finally, we've found one" before collapsing into fits of laughter. Joe looking even more confused, then said he was going to call the boys to say that him and Sophie were heading off in half an hour.

As soon as he exited the room, me and Niomi pounced, "Okay what did happen last night, I dont care if hes my brother, I just want you to spill it". I said staring Sophie down, she sighed and whispered " okay just dont tell the boys or Joe that I told you what actually happened, because I lied to the boys to make Joe seem more manly, I just didnt want the boys to make fun of him because we didn't do it last night", she said looking down at her lap.

'Okay that makes me feel a little better that I don't have to picture that in my head' I thought.

Sophie then began to tell us what had actually happened and I must admit it was sweet, some of the details, like the fact they checked each other was okay before doing something but most of the details just made me cringe, I didn't want to hear it let alone, picture it in my head. In the end I was more proud of my brother than I thought I would be.

Joe entered the room and I couldn't help keep my comments in, I just had to tease him. "Aww poor Joey not getting any last night" I said before managing to slam my hands across my mouth. Sophie looked at me, horrified that I had said what I promised I wouldn't, Niomi was trying to keep her laughter from brusting and Joe gave a confused look and then turned to Sophie in anger.

"I can't believe you told them, but not my friends" Joe shouted at Sophie, who generally looked as if she would be sick, "I'm sorry Joe, they wanted to know and I thought they wouldn't judge you as much as the boys would, apparently I was wrong, can you forgive me?" Joe suddenly looked ashamed "I'm sorry babe, I shouldn't of shouted at you, I should shout at Zoe, I just thought it would be nice to keep it just between us"  he said grabbing a hold of her hand. She gave a small smile before apologising again and kissing him on the cheek.

I was just about to say something to argue my point when the boys entered.

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