Chapter 25 Sophie

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Me and Joe were just about to get off the train in Bath when Joe recieved a call from his dad, apparently he was going to pick us up, drop me and Joe at my house and then go out for some drinks with a couple of mates from work. We thanked him and said we would see him soon, within 5 minutes of hanging up we arrived at the station, it was busy.

We searched for about 10 minutes before we saw Joe's dad stood by the train station name plate, he smiled and waved at us as we approached, he grabbed my bag so all that I was holding Baileys lead and put it in the back on the car. Unfortunately this had Joe moaning about him having to do anything, me and Daddy Sugg just rolled our eyes. We hopped in the car, me and Bailey in the back and the two boys in the front like always.

Joes dad gave both of us a strange look before buckling up his seat belt.  "What was that about dad ?" Joe asked, as his dad started the car, Graham shrugged and asked "what was what?". Joe started at his dad for a while before asking again "the look dad? The one you gave me and Sophie?" he said raising his arms to express him disbelief. His dad sighed, put he car into gear, and drove out the station car park before saying something that surprised us both. " Sorry Joe but I thought you would at least sit with your girlfriend".

Joe and I both stared at him, mouths wide open, how did he know? He wasn't there, I was really surprised maybe Zoe had told him? He looked at Joe and then in the mirror and saw that I had the same shocked expression of my face as him, Graham sighed and explained that he had realised that the party was for me and that Joe was planning something special which must of led to him asking me out, by the end of his explanation both me and Joe were blushing.

"Damn was it that obvious" Joe said annoyed, I shook my head whilst Graham nodded his. " Dont worry babe, I didn't realise you were doing it for me, I just thought it was a party for every youtuber" I said smiling. "Thats good then, at least the surprise wasn't spoilt" Joe grinned at me, "I really want to know how you guys didn't even realise that you both had feeling for each other since the age of 13, it was so obvious"  Daddy Sugg said turning down the thin gravel lane that I thought I had seen only once before.

" You've liked me since the age of 13 Joe?" I asked him quitely, he nodded and blushed " Yeah I have, if I knew you felt the same I would of asked you out sooner, but I guess I was too afraid to ask" he said looking out the window. I decided to do the same, I looked out the window and saw the many fields and tree blur past. The car suddenly stopped and I looked up, we had arrived and I hadn't even noticed, wow the 20 minute drive to my house from the train station had gone by so fast. I unbuckled myself from the seat and grabbed Bailey's lead, "come on boy" I said opening the door and tugging on Bailey's lead, he yapped and jumped out the car, before I had even got one leg out, he wanted to explore.

I decided that I could atleast take him off his lead, my house was situated in the middle of nowhere, all around us was fields of wild flowers and a mile long gravel path that connected us to the main road. I got out the car and unclipped Bailey's lead from his collar, he lifted his head to smell the air and then began bounding towards the fields. I grabbed my bag out the back, found my keys from my purse and opened the front door, the boys soon followed carring the rest of the bags that were soon dumped in the living room, I called Bailey and within a minute he was by my side, I closed the door and praise the little dog, he yapped and licked my hand before scampering off to explore his new house. I smiled and decided I needed a coffee.

I filled the kettle up with fresh water and then put it onto boil. I asked the others if they would like a drink too, Graham thanked me for the offer but said that he really needed to head off to go join the boys. I thanked him for collecting us and helping us with the bags, before waving goodbye to him.

By the time I had come back in, Joe had made the coffees and had gotten Bailey's suff out of the bag. I thanked him and walked into the living room, only to flop onto the sofa, shove my shoes off and have Joe sitting next to me. I smiled at him, "you realise we need to talk about this 13 year old business right?". He nodded and agreed that we should however he also wanted to know the results of the latest football game. I agreed that he could watch the football for an hour but then he needed to sort his stuff out since he would be staying here for a week.

After we had sorted everything out, including the uploading of some gaming, main channel and exporting vlog videos, we settled down ready to talk about what we had been though since the age of 13. We were about to start having a serious talk when my stomach rumbled, it set us off, we both laughed before realising the time was 8:20 pm, I asked Joe if he wanted to order pizza before talking and he agreed.

We had only been waiting 30 minutes since we had ordered it when the Pizza arrived, we each ordered a pizza which contained our favourite toppings,  mine had barbecue chicken, ham, cheese, spicy pork balls and spicy beef on the top, it was called the meat lovers pizza. Joe decided to have pepperoni pizza, with two extra toppings of peppers and tomatoes. I must admit my pizza looked delicious and tasted even better. Joe said the same thing about his.

We had also brought a tub of Ben and Jerrys with the pizzas as a meal deal, it was cookie dough flavour. We grabbed two spoons and decided to eat it together from the tub whilst wrapped in a blanket on the sofa, and have the talk. Bailey jumped up in the chair next to the window in the lounge and was soon fast asleep, me and Joe were snuggled close together, looking at each other with love in our eyes, sharing the ice cream whilst a documentary played in the background.

"So sophie" Joe asked me whilst dotting a spot of ice cream softly onto the end to my nose, I wiggled my nose, to warm it up from the cold impact and looked up at Joe, " you've liked me since the age of 13 then have you?". I gulped here it was, I knew he liked me and I knew he knew how many feelings I had for him, as well as the intensity but I was about to tell him what I had never told anyone before. I nodded, swallowed hard and then allowed my croaky voice to speak.

"Joe, it was summer, we had just finished year 8, it was the last day of school and you asked me if I was doing anything, I said I didn't have anything, so you asked me if I wanted to hang out with you and the boys at the park, I agreed and rang my mum, sayin I was with you and she wished me luck. At the time of the call I had no idea why she would say that, so I went with you not thinking anything of it, except that the heat must of got to my mum and she had gone a bit crazy" i said looking down at the sofa whilst Joe stared at me.

"We arrived at the park all of us together, we played music that we were into back then, I sat and watched you and the boys try and play football, rugby and doing gymnastics. As I watched you lot, I kept finding myself looking at you more than the others, it was like I couldn't look away from you for too long. It was strange, it was like I was under a spell." I said bringing my head to look up at joe, his blue topaz eyes showed the love he had for me and I knew I had to carry on.

A breathed a deep breath, there was no going back now. "You looked over at me, to check if I was alright and when you smiled, my whole world changed. Everything felt different, everything looked more colourful, brighter, all because you cared about me. Each time I saw you from then on, I'd get butterflies and would become shy and nervous, I mean I still get the feelings now, however ive learnt to deal with them. I always tried to pass it off as just a girly crush and told myself that as I got older they would just go away but they havent they've just got stronger".

"I've even tried dating other guys to see if the feelings would pass, yeah they dimmed with Michael but not as much as I thought they would. I guess since I had told myself over the years that you didn't have feelings for me, they just sank in and I didn't see the obvious crush you had on me". 

I looked up at Joe, his mouth was hanging open and his hand holding the spoonful of icecream was just frozen in place. I gulped had I scared him off, I hoped not. I decided to wave my hand in front of his face to get his attention. He began to blink, shake his head and become aware that I was still there. He sighed, "Sophie, I need to tell you my story" as he placed the spoon in the tub of icecream which he then placed on the coffee table.

"go on, im listening" I said quitely ready to hear what he would say.

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