Chapter 46 Sophie

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As my eyes fluttered opened, all I could focus on were the colours, everything just looked like a giant blurr, however after blinking a few times i soon registered that Joe was sat on the bed next to me with another guy. I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, as i did I must of moved as Joe and the stranger which turned out to be Dan turned to look at me.

They both smiled and I smiled back before realising that I was still in bed and probably looked awful. I tossed the blanket off myself onto the bed and ran to the bathroom grabbing clothes from the closet on the way.

I shut the door and leant against it, trying to catch my breath. My head was spinning, questions burned inside of me. What was wrong with me? I didn't normally care about my apperance that much, espically around Joe. So what was the difference ? Dan was there but that shouldn't of mattered, if I cant be comforable being myself around people I like then who can I be comfortable with?

Unless I wanted to make myself more attractive for him, which still makes no sense to me at all. I gathered my thoughts and took a deep breath before stripping off and getting into the shower.

15 minutes later I walked out the bathroom clean and fresh, dressed in a grey sonic top, black skinnys and a navy cardigan. My hair was dry and flowed down to my boobs, I had a little natural make up on and I felt awesome. I sat on the bed next to the two boys who were playing the Xbox Connor had had installed in every bedroom in his house.

As the game of Halo played out on the screen I realised that Dan was pretty awesome at it and was whooping Joes ass. I decided to help Joe, as personally I i loved playing Halo, in fact I think im a master of it. I led behind Joe tucking my hands around his waist, which caused him to turn look at me and raise an eyebrow. I smiled and winked before taking the controller off Joe, moving just in time to stop Dan from killing him.

Dan was speachless, I just grinned at him and carried on playing. Joe watched as I beat Dan at his own game. As the game came to an end the score were revealed and it showed I had beat Dan by a massive 8 points to 2. I winked at the boys, dropped the controller on the bed and left, but not before hearing Dan tell Joe that I was a pretty awesome girl, which made me mentally high five myself.

As I walked down the stairs I shimmied past phil, who didnt look like himself, he looked so down, I immediately felt bad for him and decided that he needed cheering up.

"Phil?" I called out turning to look at him. "Yeah Sophie?" He replied in a depressed tone, "whats wrong?, you're normally so happy" I exclaimed. "Oh its just that Dan's busy with Joe and everyone else is busy doing something else and I really need another youtuber to collab with me in a game video". I walked up to phil, putting my arm around him I smiled "well you're in luck".

20 minutes later ( video stuff is all set up now)

"So Phil what game we playing today ?" I asked looking at the camera. "Well I thought that since your wearing a sonic top and so am I that we would play a bit of sonic heros for PS 2, which I've heard was your favorite game growing up" Phil said holding the disk and looking at me. I was shocked that he knew that, how did he know that?

"Sure was Phil, however how the actual hell did you know that? Joe didn't even know?" I asked quite creeped out. Phil laughed, putting the game in the machine, "Chill dude you told Connor who told me" he said smiling. "Wow I cant believe he remembered that little random fact, oh well lets get on playing this" I said high fiveing him.

Me and Phil played for a hour or so before we were joined by Dan and Joe, by that time we had recorded 2 team work courses and 3 games of us trying to kill each other with me winning 2 out of 3 of them.

The boys walked in to me and Phil screaming at each other to grab the piece that would help us complete the level. Phil grabbed the piece as I jumped meaning that we were pushed upwards. Phils team transported to us and we were soon on the move again running together towards the end.

We reached it and checked the stats, in bright bold font the letter B came up on the bottom of the screen. We screamed and hugged each other we had achieved a grade B on one of the hardest levels of sonic heros.

Noticing that me and phil were still hugging I blushed causing someone to cough behind me. I immediately dropped my arms, I had been caught by Joe, I knew it. I turned looking to see where the cough had come from, iI came face to face with Joe and Dan. 'DAMN!' I thought before I smiled sweetly at them. "Guys look we got a grade B, that pretty awesome right?" I said grabbing the controller from the bed and flicked the joystick to the left to play the next level.

Dan nodded and came and sat on the bed behind me, " thats pretty awesome, iI wanna go though" he smiled back at me. I looked up at Joes face, he looked pissed off, I sighed and gave Dan the controller, " Here you go".

Phil looked over and mouthed im sorry, I shook my head " it's not your fault and if im not back in 15 minutes come find my body" I laughed whilst being dragged out the door by Joe.

"What was that!" Joe shouted once we had shut the door to the bedroom and we were in the corridoor. "What was what? Me and phil hugged because we got a good score on something together, is that okay?" I bit back, Joe glared at me, "You know what I mean, you lingered with that hug, you know you did because you blushed".  "We hugged nothing more, I don't like Phil like that and you know it, why are you so angry with me?" I said as tears threathen to spill from my eyes, Joe laughed a cynical laugh, he was angry and I was in the firing line.

"You know what, this was a mistake, seeing how you've just acted im not sure I trust you to stay here, I dont even know if you did anything with Connor this week" He said pinning me up against the wall, His hands around my neck.

After a while of struggling I managed to pushed him away. I didn't deserve this, " Joe go and calm down" I shouted at him breathlessly, "I dont know what you think I've been up to but it certainly doesn't include anything your suggesting, Now please leave, I dont want to speak to you" and with that I walked back into the bedroom where Dan and Phil were situated.

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