Chapter 3 -Joe

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Erhh... I woke up, my room was dark and horrible, it must of being early. I turned over, my bed creaking from the sudden movement, and reached my arm out to look at the time on my phone.

I grasped the phone in my hand and waited till the numbers 8:15 am, shined brightly into to the room. I turned my head, the bright light affecting my newly awoken eyes.

I waited until I could look at the glare without wincing, before shutting the screen off. 'Its at that strange time where its early but nearly late, now; do I go back to sleep or do I check youtube and edit a video' I thought to myself.

"Humm... I could see if Zoe's awake if she's not, I'll just check my channel" I spoke aloud into my empty room.

'Its 8:20 now, I mean I could sleep, I could edit, I could tweet and look at YouTube, But first zoe' I thought dragging myself out of my nice warm bed, slinging my covers aside as I lept out and shoved on a Tshirt.

I then loped across the corridoor towards my sisters bedroom, knocking on the wooden door in front of me, I waited and listened for a response when murming and snoring sounds errupted from behind the door I decided not to knock again.
"Guess she's asleep" I said sadly letting out an exasperated sigh, whilst dragging my feet across the carpet, towards my own room.
                  5 minutes later

"Well that was a waste of time" I said to the empty room, that I was now walking around in. 'What to do, what to do' I thought trying to come up with an idea for a video, when suddenly I remembered last night I had finished my gaming channel and had to now upload a video.

'Now...' I thought, '...There are two people who I know will support me, Sophie and Alfie, but who to call first?'.

"Well sophie won't be up yet" I said flicking through the contacts on my phone, "... however that doesn't mean I don't get to wake her up" I said evilly, whilst I started to press the call button next to her name.

--------------- A few rings later ---------------

A small, tired and sleepy "hello" wispered its way down the phone to me. 'Now I should feel bad right?' I told myself, however a part of me couldn't help it as I shouted out a very loud "HEEELLLOOOO" down the phone, I looked around maybe shouting wasn't the best, hopefully I didn't wake Zoe.

"Guess what?" I questioned a little quieter, knowing she probably would have removed the phine from her ear. A concerned and unsure sounding voice from the phone answered my question " umm... I don't know... what?" she questioned.

"IT'S FINISHED!!!" I yelled.

Me and Sophie spoke for a couple of minutes, which included me being my normal cheeky self and asking if she could buy games for my video. I know, I know, I should do it myself but I've only just started my channel and have no clue what to do, whereas she does, she the pro here.

I was just about to end the call when Sophie did the loudest, highest, pitchest goodbye ever. The bye even caused me to drop my phone, which I just manged to catch before it went crashing down onto the floor, however whilst catching it I did hang up on poor Sophie.

'Oh well, we were almost finished anyway' I said to myself whilst walking to the bathroom.
                 15 Minutes Later

"Okay, lets get some breakfast, I'm hungry" I said aloud, listening to my stomach growl. I changed and hoped down the stairs, almost tripping up on the way. I slid through the kitchen door as I only had socks on and almost went flying into my dad who was pouring milk onto his cereal. 

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