Chapter 45 -Joe

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I knew from the minute I stepped off the plane that Sophie would be there waiting for me, I could feel it. I followed caspar Alfie and Zoe off the plane whilst Marcus, Niomi, Dan, Phil and Louise dawdled behind us.

We made our way through customs to the bag collection point. I was on the look out for a Black suitcase with bright red wheels and handle, I soon spotted it, grabbed it and rushed over to the pet collection centre where I signed the most detailed form I've ever had to read.

I collected Baileys cage from the storage unit where they kept him and checked everything was alright. He was fine, except from being abit sleepy which were from his tablets, so I went to find the others who had collected their suitcases and were apparently, as Caspar put it "waiting for me". 

We walked toward the front of the airport and I noticed that my shoe was untied so I stopped, bending down to do it back up. The others carried on and within seconds of Caspar turning the corner into the lobby there was an almighty scream. I laughed and stood up grabbing the pet carrier and my suitcase before following the others into the mass of screaming fans. Fans of all shapes, size and gender ran up to me asking for a photo with me or a signature, however I was only focused on one thing, my girlfriend.

I looked over the swarm of people and spotted her amoung a group of fan girls. I told the people around me that I would be right back and sprinted towards Sophie as fast as my legs would carry me. Not once did I think about Baliey in the carrier, or if Sophie had noticed me or not, or even if the fans saw us kiss in person.

When  finally made my way towards her, all that was racing though my mind was that I wanted my girlfriend to be next to me. I wanted to kiss her, hug her and tell her how much I loved and wanted her.

As I ran I saw Sophie take off towards me and I knew she had spotted me, as me reached each other, we hugged like there was no tomorrow. I never wanted to let her go, her warmth swept through me making my heart beat faster and my skin tingle.

I looked into her eyes and felt like I was being pulled in, I raise my hand and stroked her soft cheek before pulling her closer toward me and tilting my head to fit into hers. We connected, like pieces of a puzzle, in a kiss and I suddenly felt like I could breathe again, she was my oxygen and I needed her to keep me alive, she was my lifeline. The kiss only lasted seconds and yet I felt better than ever. It was so good to have the feeling I had so many years ago, back, I had missed them.

We broke away to see the fans had gathered  round us and were taking photos, I looked at Sophie and smiled before walking over with her towards the fans, who greeted us with open arms.

2 hours later and we filtered into the car or mini van as connor decribed it and squeezed into the seats provided, I sat next to Sophie and Dan who couldn't stop looking over at her, it was making me sort of uncomfortable to watch him stare at her.

Baliey's pet carry sat on my lap and Sophie was fussing the awake and energetic puppy inside the cage, who's only goal was to get out and snuggle with her. The drive was quick and we all sang our hearts out to the radio.

When we arrived home everyone bundled out the car and collected the bags, we had brought, I gave Sophie, Bailey and she took him into the backgarden whilst I unpacked the stuff I would need for the next two days and put in what stuff I would need for the next week or so.

I walked down the stairs only to be greeted by my lovely girlfriend carring her yappy puppy, she passed him to me before kissing me on the cheek and saying she was going for a swim if I wanted to join her.

I smiled at her and watched as she walked up the stairs to our room, when I managed to get my mind off seeing my girlfriend in a bikini, I decided that it was probably best to feed our puppy since he hadn't had anything yet.

I laid his two bowls down on the floor outside and grabbed the hose, I turned it on and began to fill one of his bowls up. I switched it off and went inside to grab his food, little did I notice Sophie, dan, phil and zoe sneak outside in their swimming stuff.

I walked back out and began to fill up Baileys bowl. Suddenly something freezing cold and wet landed on my back, I turned around to see Zoe, Dan and Phil with water Balloons in their hands and Sophie armed with the hose. I threw my hands up in surrender and pleaded with them to let me get changed first. They looked at each other and soon they had come to an agreement. "Fine you can change first however you have 3 seconds to get inside or war is on" Sophie said raising her eyebrows to see if I would except. "Bring it" I replied before running towards the door. I just manged to get in the door before Zoe thew a balloon and it hit the glass door. I smiled and made my way upstairs.

I walked back down 5 minutes later to see Marcus, Alfie, Caspar, Dan, Phil, Zoe and Sophie were in the pool splashing each other whilst Connor watched them on the sidelines with a beer in his hand. I made my way out side and jumped into the pool next to Sophie, splashing her. She turned around and splashed water back at me hitting Alfie in the face. Soon it turned into a full water fight which resulted in Caspar, Dan and Sophie getting thrown into the pool by me, Marcus and Alfie.

About an hour and a half later we all sat snuggled up in warm clothing in the lounge. Food was on its way and we were talking about playlist and the how the rules we set each year we're not to be broken or else you would be punished. One rule which was always on the list was that none of us were allowed to hook up with a Fan, we were allowed their number and we were allowed to kiss and flirt with them however no one was to take a fan to their room or go to a fans room.

One year Caspar had found a loop hole and had only told me, apparently the rule suggested that we didn't go to their room or that they didnt go to ours however that didn't mean that everywhere else was banned. 

When food was on its way and the girls were buzy setting up I decided that it was time Baliey had to come in so I went to ask Connor. Connor had told us to keep Bailey  inside as we didnt know how he would react to Connor's cat or how the cat would react to Baliey. Connor agreed and decided that whilst we were eating, Marmite, his cat would be shut upstairs and Bailey would be shut down here with us and then get once we were finished we could introduce them to each other. I agreed and said that it was probably best to wait so that we could watch them just in case. 

We ate and soon it became the time that me, Sophie and Connor had been dreading, this was it. Me and Sophie temped Bailey into his bed with treats and toys and before letting him relax, when he was ready Connor came I carring a small brown and white tabby wearing a red collar.

He placed the cat on the floor and sat down with everyone else, watching to see if the two animals would become friends. At first it was touch and go situation, Marmite hissed a few times scaring Baliey alittle however he was a strong puppy and carried on trying to figure out what the strange creature was.

In the end they became best friends and by ten o'clock they were chasing each other around the house and playfighting every other minute. Finally they began to settle down and ventured over towards Baliey's bed. Baliey padded his bed before lying down and Marmite snuggled in next to him, it was a very cute seen to witness  and I was glad that it went so well between them both.

By 11 both me and Sophie were yawning and we decided that we should get some sleep because Connor was appparently going to take us on a tour of the city the next day. We got changed and snuggled up next to each other in bed, Sophies body heat surrounded me in a blanket of Love and hugs. I smiled and whisper in her ear about how much I missed her, she shivered and a slight moan broke from her lips, making me want her more than ever. I whispered more in her ear, my breath tickling her neck. Her breathing became uneven and heavy, and when I kissed her neck she was sighing with pleasure quitely.

I laughed and carried on, I loved hearing her make those noises and it was even better knowing I was creating them. I knew it was going to be a good night and I couldn't care about the morning.

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