Chapter 47- Phil

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When Sophie walked in from having a fight with Joe I couldn't even make eye contact with her, she just looked so upset. I knew that it wasn't just my fault but I knew that I was part of it and to not be punished made me feel worse.

I didn't even have feelings for Sophie in that way, we just got on really well, maybe I lingered too long but I just loved the feeling of someone giving me a hug, if it was anyone else I would of done the same.
At first she sat on the bed and smiled at us both, I was amazed she was taking it so well and then I saw the tears in her eyes. She suddenly bursted into tears and I couldn't help feeling like it was all my fault, I just wanted to make it better.

I looked up at Dan and he was panicking, he had no idea what to do and neither did I. I caught Dan attention and mouthed 'hug?', he nodded and we both shuffled closer to Sophie.

She looked at us both and smiled before shaking her head, she extending her arms and wrapped us into a one armed hug. "Thankyou" she whispered causing me to pale, why was she thanking me I caused this? She slid her arm off my back and Dan gathered her in a huge hug which only made her cry harder, thats when I noticed the red hand prints that were on her neck, did something happen out there? Did he try and strangle her? I needed to go and calm down, I felt sick.

Dan glanced over Sophie's shoulder and gave me a small smile tell me to cheer up, I couldn't so I shook my head and left the room. I walked into the bathroom, closed the door behind me and headed over to the sink, I turned the tap on and splashed water over my face, it didn't help. I dried my face and caught my reflection in the mirror, my bright blue eyes were now stormy and grey, my skin was so pale I looked ill and I had tears running down my cheeks.

I sighed and slid my back down the wall till I was huddled in a ball on the floor. That's when I cried, I cried for the stupidness of the fight, the fact that Sophie had obviously been hurt because of me, I cried because Joe was hurt and I cried because I could.

About 10-15 minutes later the door opened and I raised my head to see Dan standing in the doorway, he smiled at me and bent down to my level. He wrapped his arm around me and I snuggled into him, we had a great bond that most people thought made us gay when the truth was we just loved and trusted each other that we were more like family than anything else.

I sighed and began to dry my eyes, Dan always made me feel better. When I had wipped the tears away I grabbed Dan in a hug and thanked him for the support, when I was sure I could face Sophie again I let him go. He smiled and stood up, "Come on bud lets go play some games, Sophie's okay now". I smiled I would love to play some games and get my mind off the stupid argument. I nodded and stuck my hand out for Dan to help me up, he grabbed it and helped pull me to my feet which at first I wasn't sure would hold me up.

When I finally regained the stability in my legs again we left the bathroom and made our way to the bedroom. Sophie was sat on the bed, controller in hand, softly singing along to the song that was playing in the background of the game. Next to her sat two mugs of what looked and smelt like coffee and two Xbox controllers.

I grabbed the coffee and placed it on the bedside cabinet and then jumped on the bed next to Sophie. I led on my stomach and noticed that Dan had also had the same idea. I grinned at him before returning my veiw to the tv.

Sophie looked over at me and grabbed me into a hug, "I'm sorry Phil" she whispered kissing me on the cheek. I smiled and apologised too, we then broke the hug and went back to the game.

1 hour later:-

"Yes" Sophie shouted yet again, she had just managed to beat both me and Dan at Halo six times in a row. Dan sat there speechless, it was like she knew our every move, before it even happened. "Boys, boys, boys you guys would be terrible poker players" she giggled turning off the box. "How would we?" Dan asked getting frustrated. Sophie looked over at Dan and smiled "both of your faces give you away, for example when Phil goes to attack he sticks his tounge out slightly. You on the other hand were alot harder to figure out but still now I know for the future".

Dan looked over at me and shook his head, 'how on earth did she figure that out' I asked myself, 'maybe I am that bad at keeping secrets?'.

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