Chapter forty one

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Play the song, babies! (A beautiful GOT7 song that I love.)

It's a week later and my house is empty except me on the Saturday as usual. The sunlight filters through the curtains as I sit on the couch watching 'Heathers'.

Suddenly there is a knock on the door and I rush to get it.  I open the door and meet my group of friends.

Jennie and Mina walk in first, hands around each other. Then Leo enters and ruffles my hair as he places a kiss on my cheeks.

Ken walks in, his head hanging low. He looks up and smiles at me sadly before walking over to the couch. Hongbin walks in last with a cute smile on. He gives Leo a quick hug before heading to the couch.

Leo pats my shoulders. "Don't worry! We will lift his spirits!" He encourages me and pushes me towards the television.

"Okay, so which movie should we watch?" I ask the audience as I stand next to television.

"I say 'Black Swan'!" Mina shouts from her place next to Jennie.

"I say 'Perfect Blue'!" Jennie shouts as he kisses her girlfriend's forehead and mouths sorry.

"I wanna see both!" Leo says as he puts down the snacks and drinks. Hongbin seconds that.

"Me too!" I say and look over to Ken.

He looks at me, flustered as everyone turns to him. "Yeah, me too! Both sound nice and we have the time so ...." He speaks quickly.

"Okay, then we will watch Black Swan first and then Perfect Blue!" I declare and put on the movie.

After the first movie, we take a small break and walk around the house. Ken sits alone at the dining table as everyone talks about the movie. I excuse myself and head to him.

"Hey Ken!" I greet him as I sit down next to him. He looks up and smiles insincerely. "How are you doing?" I ask.

"I am fine. You?" He immediately replies.

"I am good but you seem really down. Wanna talk?" I ask.

He takes a pause and then says, "I knew about my sister. What she did to Leo ... I knew about it but I didn't do anything about it ... so I feel guilty now."

Shocked, I take a second to calm down before talking to him again. "Ohh. You knew?"

"I know I should have done something but I didn't know what to do. I want to apologise to Leo but I can't ..." He says as he look at me with pitiful eyes.

"You don't have to apologise." Leo's voice catches us off guard. He sits down on the over side, next to Ken. "I didn't know what to do either. The shock really gets to you."

I stay silent as the boys talk.

"Yes but I should still have done something, at least tell her that she was wrong to do that. I am so sorry." Ken says as he holds Leo's hands.

"Seriously, don't worry about it." Leo says with a gentle smile. "Now, stop worrying about that and enjoy today! Okay?"

Ken nods and smiles. "Thank you!"

"Okay, then, let's go see Perfect Blue." I say as I lead both boys to the couch.

"Yeah! It's one of my favourites." Ken says as he walks.

We settle down and play the movie. I sit next to Leo, his hand around my shoulder, my head on his.

Okayyyyy ..... now I am actually satisfied with the ending.

I really hope you guys enjoyed the story. I love you guys! Thank you so much for reading!

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Hugs and kisses from Cheonsa.

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