Chapter five

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Play the song, babies!

"Hey Ken!" I greet him back. A tall brunette stands right next to me, his eyes are sparkly with excitement.

Leo suddenly elbows me from behind. "See you after class!" He whispers to me before walking away, his slightly long black locks jumps with his step and his smile wide.

"So ..... you prepared for the Bible quiz?" Ken asks me as he accompanies me to the classroom.

"Yep! I am going to defeat you like always, Ken!" I playfully punch him in the chest.

"Ha! I prepared really well this time so, we will see who wins." He says as punches my arm.

"We will." I reply with a smirk.

"Cut out the flirting already!" Two voices say simultaneously from behind our seat.

I turn back to see Hyuk and Mina laughing at us. Mina gets up and stands next to me, her hand on my shoulder. "You should just ask her out already." She sighs.

"Ya! I wasn't flirting with her!" Ken shouts, flustered. He pushes back his hair and laughs. "You're being stupid."

"Sure. The overprotective answer definitely proves it." Mina remarks.

"Mina, don't you know yet? They are good children. They wouldn't do something as naughty as dating." Hyuk jokes as he pats Ken's head.

I laugh. "I wish I was as good as you say I am." I comment as the bell rings, interrupting our conversation. "Okay, now. Let's settle down."

"You wish?" Mina asks with a laugh. "You are literally the monitor at a Sunday school class!"

"That doesn't make me good." I slide in before the teacher walks in.

We get up and greet the teacher. The teacher hands out the quiz for the week before she starts the lesson for the day.

Ken and I are sitting in the front desk ready to compete with each other. At the end of the lesson she hands out last week's quiz.

"Good work Ken! You have topped this week!" She says as Ken turns to me and winks before saying thank you to the teacher.

As we exit the class, Ken grabs me by my bag and gives me a note. He waves at me and walks away with Hyuk and a few other friends.

Mina elbows me and asks me about the note. I smile at her before running away with her hot at my trail.

We stop at the girls' restroom, out of breath and laughing. She gathers the note from me and I immediately snatch it back.

"It's a personal thing." I say after a deep breath.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh." Mina says trying to grab the note.

I run into one of the stalls and lock myself in. I open the note slowly a read through it.

"Dear (loser) Y/N,

So our bet still stands, I won last week's quiz, so you owe me date. Today evening, at the Rook Wedding, you're my date. Get your ball dance moves ready. And don't you dare show this to Mina.

Yours sincerely,
Ken The Great."

I smile as I read the note. Ken would use any opportunity to call himself great. It is a joke of course. He is nice guy, great dare I say.

I throw the note into the dustbin and open the lock. As I walk out, Mina searches for the note. "Where is it? I wanna see it!" She pouts and searches.

"I don't have it." I say before heading to the sink. I wash my hands as Mina goes on and on.

"Yaaaa! I wanna know!" Mina says again as we enter the church building for the service.

I put my index finger to mouth and hush her as we have a front row seat with the our classmates.

Hellooooooo babies!

How are y'all doing? I hope your enjoying the story.

Tell me your thoughts in the comments and vote for this chapter if you like it.

Hugs and kisses from Cheonsa.

Bad Influence | Leo (VIXX) X Reader | VIXX Fanfic | COMPLETEDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant