Chapter thirty seven

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Play the song, babies!

I watch the stars gleam dimly down as I stand against the window, the cold rain gripping over me.

The sight reminds me of the time we spent at the church camp, staring at stars, talking about life.

My thoughts scream at me to give up. They tell me over and over that it is hopeless. That I'll never be able to make this right.

But my desire to do so pushes through. I don't want to lose him.

I take a deep breath before I knock on the glass, my feet grasping the wet footing. Please open the window, a silent prayer repeats over and over in my mind.

I close my eyes, almost out of hope and I hear the window open.

"Y/N? What are you doing?" Leo whispers as he grabs my hand and aids me as I enter his room. "What were you thinking? Coming here in the rain?"

"I don't want to lose you." I say as he looks at me. "That's what I was thinking."

The room is mostly dark, with one corner illuminated by a lamp on the crowded table.

"Wait, I want to say something else." I snap out of my thoughts. His face, partially lit by the glow of the lamp, shows curiosity. "Sorry for coming in through the window, dreadful etiquette, I know."

A smile cheers up the room. "Really? You climbed through my window to say a 'Heathers' quote?" Leo says through his smile.

"Well, that because it's our favourite summer movie and I wanted to say sorry. I just wasn't expecting that so I cleared overreacted." I say as I hold his hand.

Leo puts his hands around me hugs me tightly.

"Wait, the water." I protest.

"I don't care." He counters.

"I am sorry. But there's something I want to ask you." I cut short the moment.

"Yeah?" He sits down on the bed and gestures to sit down.

I take a seat beside him. "Please talk to the school counsellor, if you can. Please just talk to him, you can ask him to not talk about it to your parents but if you can just talk to him. Okay?" I beg him.

"I'll think about it. But if I do, I am leaving out the camboy thing." He says after a few seconds of thought.

"Okay. I know it's not exactly illegal but you're under 18 so technically it's kinda illegal so ..." I start my next argument.

"Why do you know so much about this?" He teases me. His hand holds mine tightly.

"Just because you guys think I am innocent doesn't mean I am, okay?" I try to keep it light hearted. "I know something about this stuff. So anyway, I just wanted you to think about putting a pause to it?"

I put my hand over his mouth to stop him before he talks.

"Just for a while. Just consider putting it on pause. At least until you're 18, you're only five months away from it. I know it helps with your pain but we can find a healthier option, please just think about it." I talk quickly, my eyes pleading as I inch closer to him.

A few more excruciating seconds pass by before he nods. "Okay. I'll think about it."

"Thank you!" I reply and hug him suddenly, pushing he onto the bed.

"Woah!" He says as I try to move away. "Hey, Veronica got a kiss at the end of that scene so I should get one too!" He holds me tightly against him.

"She got more than that but sure." I correct him and gently kiss him.

Okayyyyy ..... we are kinda nearing the end here so ..... while I am happy about being able to write this story, I really do like the set of characters and plot and I'll definitely miss them.

Don't worry, we have a lot more storytelling to do before this story ends but we are nearing the end.

Tell me your thoughts about the story in the comments and vote for this chapter if you like it.

Hugs and kisses from Cheonsa.

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