Chapter Twenty

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Play the song, babies!

As the class comes to an end, we have a prayer service and we disperse for the day.

"I really love Grandson's songs!" Jennie says as we stand outside the church.

"Uhh! Love his songs. Ohh and the music videos are like sooooooo good!" Mina adds on.

"Ohh did you guys listen to the new album?" I ask them as we walk to the gate.

"Wait, isn't that suppose to release this week!" Mina says.

"Yeah, it was released yesterday. It's ..... perfect as always." I say.

"Really? Why didn't you tell me about it, Y/N?" Jennie pouts and playfully punches me. "I am gonna listen to it as soon as I get home."

"Sorry ..." I say as I hug them both.

"I'll text you, Jennie. See you, Y/N! Bye!" With that Mina parts with us.

"She is awesome, dude!" Jennie says as soon as she is out of earshot.

"Yeah! I know!" I chuckle as I see her smile.

"Who is?" Ken's voice comes from behind us. I turn around and see that Leo is accompanying him.

"Mina! She is like so sweet!" Jennie replies.

"Yeah, that she is." Leo adds to the conversation. We part from Ken as he heads the other way.

The three of us left walk along the road, Jennie giddy as she jumps around.

I feel Leo walking close to me, his hands brushing against mine once in a while. The contact sends shiver down my spine.

"Okay, see you guys tomorrow! And Leo, start talking to us at school again. We miss you!" Jennie says as she hugs each of us before leaving.

The two of us start to walk in silence as we walk towards his house.

"Y/N ... I need to talk to you." Leo says as we reach his house.

"Me too." I agree as we stand there. I look at him and observe him, he looked better. A little better but better none the less.

"Do you want to come in?" He asks, pointing to his house.

"Ohh. Okay sure." I say as we walk into the lonely house. "Ohh you're parents are not home?" I state as I look around.

"No. They are out visiting distant family." He says plainly.

That is not good. Not at all good. This combination is not good. It's dangerous. It's very dangerous.

"Do you want anything? Water, snacks, anything?" He asks as he stops and looks at me.

I shake my head and divert my eyes. His eyes are ripping through me.

"Then, let's go to my room." He says. Just like that. Does it have to be his room? That addition is definitely not for the better.

We walk quietly through the empty house and each noise we made felt like it echoed through the house. The silence screamed at me, making me really nervous.

We enter his room and he closes the door as I stand in the middle. I feel my body weaken as he asks me to sit down.

I take a seat near his study table and wait for him to start explaining whatever he wants to talk about.

I lift my eyes and let them settle on his. His eyes pierce through mine, determined. There is a change in his posture. He looks taller, better than before. He feels safe here, I suppose.

Woohoo! Forth update! I am pumped for the reveal.

What are your guesses? I would love to hear from you guys.

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Hugs and kisses from Cheonsa.

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