Chapter seven

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Play the song, babies!

I follow him to the silent garden outside the hall. We walk in silence as I take in the gorgeous sky and the green plants around us.

The stone path and rest of the settings gave it a old timey feel which feels quite dream like.

"Ken?" I call out as I finally wake up from the daze and spell of our surroundings.

He stops and points to a wooden bench dimly lit by the moonlight and distant lamps. I sit down and he sits next to me, quite close.

My thoughts start going ahead and I stop myself. It could be something else too. It doesn't have to a romantic gesture.

Ken faces me, his knees touching mine now. I feel a shiver down my spine. Could it ...

"Y/N, we have known each other since we were kids .. and I ... over the years ... have seen you become a beautiful and smart girl ... I .. what I wanna say is ..." he rambles as his eyes shift from my eyes to the ground and back.

"Hmm?" I curiously lean on to his words and eagerly wait to confirm my hunch.

"Well ... I like you ... a lot ... I like you, Y/N ... so .. hmm ..." His fingers fidgety, he lean towards me a little. "May I .."

His hands go to my cheeks and he looks into my eyes. His question still hanging in the air.

I gulp. I expected this situation but I didn't know what to do now that I am actually in it.

His eyes shift to my lips and then to my eyes again.

What do I do? What do I do now?

Suddenly, panicking, I just lean forward, kissing him. I feel his lips smile against mine as he leans in too.

Wait, do I mean it?

Before I get to think about the question in my head, my senses drown me. It feels like a calm warm wave of this feeling. So happy and jolly and relaxed and so much more.

We split after a while and his hands still stay on my cheeks. Our eyes interlocked, we sit in the gentle silence of the night, too shocked to do anything.

He suddenly smiles and hugs me tightly, his hands around my waist. I put my hands around his shoulders.

Did I mean it? I don't know if I did. Ahh! Why did I kiss him? I shouldn't have done it if I didn't mean it. But ... it felt good.

Maybe it is because it was my first? But it still felt good and right and perfect.

Suddenly a set of footsteps are heard in a distance, we jump apart and adjust ourselves. Two guys walk by talking silently.

After they pass Ken reaches for my hand and squeezes them. I look at him and smile.

Do I like him that way? Romantically? I feel too giddy to think straight.

I take a deep breath as Ken leads me back as we walk close together, our elbows brushing. I smile at the ground.

I feel good right now. It felt like .... a high. A high, that's it. That's what I feel.

Woohoo triple update! I am really excited about this story. I can't wait to write more. I am having a lot of fun.

What about you guys? Tell me your thoughts in the comments. And please vote for this chapter if you like it.

Hugs and kisses from Cheonsa.

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