Chapter ten

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Play the song, babies!

"Y/N, what day is it again?" Jennie asks as she writes down her name and details on the front page of a project.

"Friday." I reply looking over her shoulders at the beautiful drawings on the front page. "You really did a good job with the cover."

"Yeah. That's not my work." Jennie says with a sheepish grin. "It's Rosé. She came by last week, right? I made her do it then." She admits.

"Ahhh! That makes way more sense." I say as I laugh. "Are you sure you wouldn't get into trouble for making your older sister do your cover page?"

"Yep. I mean, it's only one mark anyway and the teacher said we can print out pictures for the front page. So I am sure it won't be any trouble." She says as she puts her pen back in her bag.

"I'll come with you." I say following her through the corridor, to the teachers office. I stand outside as she submits her project.

"When is your submission date?" She says when she comes out.

"Coming Mon ..." I reply.

"Y/N!" I get interrupted by a familiar voice. It's Leo.

I immediately turn around to see him come up the white tiled stairs, his eyes sunken in, his hair slightly messy, his back bend. He hadn't talked to me in a week and I have been worried sick about him.

"Y/N ... can I borrow her for a second, Jennie?" Leo asks in a quiet voice, as if it hurt him to even speak.

Jennie picks up the que and nods at both of us before walking away. I wait anxiously for his reason.

"So ... I can't make it today. For our weekly meeting. I am so sorry." Leo says, his eyes looking at the ground.

"Ohh. Okay." I reply. "Are you okay?" I ask suddenly. "You seem ... tired. Do you want to talk about it?"

"I am fine. I am good. Nothing to talk about. It's just school and stuff. It's pretty hectic." He says as he gives me a quick glance. "How about you?"

"I .. I am good too." I say, feeling uncomfortable at this point. I didn't feel like I am talking Leo. He is acting so different, it is a little scary.

"Okay then see you around!" He walks away with a small smile that didn't reach his eyes.

My eyes trail him as he walks away, his talk frame moving weakly. He looks drained. I really hope he is alright.

After he disappears from my line of vision, I sigh and walk towards my class. The hallway is slowly filling up with students as I walk through it.

After class that day, as I am getting ready to leave, a figure stands before me with a wide smile.

"You wanna partner up for the maths assignment?" Ken asks as he looms over me.

"Ohh yeah. Sure. We have to submit it on Wednesday, right?" I ask as I get up. I am still shorter than him.

"Yeah. But I was hoping we could finish it off within today and tomorrow, want to come over to my house?" He offers as he winks at me.

"Sure ..." I laugh and start walking to the door. "What time do you suggest for today?"

"You can come right now, if you want. You can call your parents from my house. Your house is not that far away anyway, I can walk you home after the work is done." He suggest as we exit the school building. "Isn't Jennie usually with you?"

"Ohh yeah. She has a stay back session today. Ours was yesterday so today's their day." I remind him.

The constant burning sensation in my stomach slowly starts to increase. I feel weaker than usual.

I grab on to Ken's shoulder as my balance falters. He grabs me by the shoulder and attempts to steady me. His voice is buffed out and my vision is blurry.

I see the world spin before my legs give out and I black out.

Heya babies!

Triple update! That will be my Easter gift to you guys. It's Easter tomorrow so happy Easter in advance to everyone.

Tell me your thoughts about the story in the comments and vote for this chapter if you like it.

Hugs and kisses from Cheonsa.

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