"What's going on?" Brite asked raising an eyebrow.

"Didn't I see that scarecrow before?" Nidalee noted, recognizing it from her first match.

"Oh, Uhmm," everyone turned their sights to Aki as they heard her speak. "Those two are Fiddlesticks and Nocturne," she said pointing at the Scarecrow and the shadow respectively. "You see, Fiddlesticks is the Demon of fear, and Nocturne is the Demon of nightmares. They basically feed off the same thing. This isn't the first time this happened. They probably had problems with who gets to feed in a certain territory," she explained to them.

"Back off, you pile of scrap metal!" Nocturne yelled in a phantom voice that seemed to echo in the area. "I've already started haunting these people's dreams!" he attempted to attack the other Demon with the blades on his arms.

"Fi~ddle~sticks, end of men. Fi~ddle~sticks, first of ten!" Fiddlesticks replied with a deep, demonic voice that echoed just like Nocturne's. Most were confused by what he said, but the other Demon understood that he was saying, 'I was here first'.

"Isn't Kayle supposed to be stopping this?" Ahri asked, getting annoyed of the constant yelling.

"Kayle isn't currently in the Institute," the others gave Aki questionable looks, so she continued. "Apparently, there some kind of rebellion in Demacia, and Kayle was sent there to calm things down as a representative of the Institute."

"A rebellion?" Brite asked getting concerned. "Are Lux and Garen alright?" he asked, knowing that those two were probably there fighting.

"They're fine, from what I was told. But, Lux seems to be in trouble with her family for some reason," Aki explained what she was told as a summoner and as… someone else.

"What about Sona?" Grey asked, not wanting the Maven to be hurt.

Before Aki can reply, someone tapped Grey's shoulder and he looked to see the very person he just asked about. [I'm fine, Grey. Thank you for asking,] Sona signed as she sat at the other side of the Abyss Watcher. [Most of my concerts were canceled, so my mother told me to stay in the Institute for now since it's safe.]

"I'm glad to see you're alright," the Lord of Cinder said, earning a smile of gratitude from the mute girl.

Their attention turned back to the demons when Nocturne suddenly created a magical field around himself that broke the summoners' chains and knocked them back. "I've had enough of you, Fiddlesticks!"

Fiddlesticks roared at the ceiling, unleashing red aura that covered the summoners who were holding him. Each of them gained looks of terror, dropped the chains they were holding Fiddlesticks with, and ran away screaming for their lives. "Reap and sow. REAP AND SOW!" the fear Demon yelled readying his scythe.

"Do you two have to be so noisy?" Evelynn asked as she walked towards the two putting a finger on her chin. "I'm all for seeing you two rip each other apart, but can you be less… annoying?"

"Don't test me, Evelynn!" Nocturne threatened, turning his glare to her.

"On the contrary, good sit," a rather well-mannered voice said with an accent said. "Our good agony Demon was just telling you to take your scuffle in a place that we don't eat in."

The owner of the voice was an obese amphibian looking humanoid creature. It had green skin and two tentacles on its face working as a mustache. Its mouth was wide and filled with nothing but sharp fangs. It was wearing a black jacket over a dark shirt and a pair of rugged jeans. It was also wearing a few pieces of jewelry, even a ring on one of the tentacles on its face.

"Tahm… Kench," Fiddlesticks groaned out, introducing the Demon.

"Now, this is quite the fine gathering we have here," Kench started sounding rather polite. "But, as much as I like to see my fellow demons kill each other, I'd really like it to be somewhere far from where I eat," he added, his voice taking a dangerous tone.

Abyss watcher in the league V2 Where stories live. Discover now