Chapter 22- sweet turns bitter

Start from the beginning

"If you think something's up though after we buy this let's leave as soon as possible," he stated soon after ward. This caused me to smile nodding agreeing with him. As soon as we got to counter we placed the jacket down I front of the little old lady manning the register.

"Aww are you dragging your boyfriend around while you shop to day?" She questioned while scanning the item.

Me and Hikaru quickly shook our heads.

"No mam'n he's just a friend,"

She folded up the jacket putting it in the bag. "I used to say the same thing dearie I'm just saying you two are adorable."

I laughed scoffing a bit, not noticing the flush spreading across Hikaru's face. I quickly grabbed the bag and me and Hikaru walked out the store. The feeling from before returned and I quickly grabbed Hikaru's hand feeling uneasy. He saw this and understood how I felt and tried to quickly get me back to the car. We soon got back to the car thinking we were Scott free as I sighed in relief.

"Excuse me miss,"

I quickly turned around to see two police officers.

"Y-yes?" I stuttering out not having a good feeling about this.

One of the cops pulled up a picture which I couldn't see and held it up. He muttered something to his partner causing his partner to nod.

Hikaru at this point was standing next to me comforting me a bit.

"It your name Y/n Ido or Y/n Fushin?" The officer asked.

I froze slightly slowly nodding. "Yes why do you ask?"

"And did you just come from the U.S.?"

I nodded again feeling my anxiety peak in this situation which I bet Hikaru could sense causing him to snap a bit.

"Are you two cops going to stop questioning us and let us go or you going to keep wast-," he was caught off with one of the cops walking forward slamming me to the car hand cuffing me shocking him to shut up. I cried out in pain as the cuffs were tightly closed down on my wrists.

"Y/n Fushin you are under arrest,"


Hey guys it's me author-Chan and I got important things to stay. First off I hope u all are doing good in quarantine. Second the two main love interest are Kyoya and Hikaru. I want people to tell me their personal preference so I can adjust the story accordingly. Third off. I am thinking of changing the cover so vote between these three covers.

 I am thinking of changing the cover so vote between these three covers

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