Chapter 36 - Finally...

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*Final Chapter!! :( Tell me if you want an epilogue :)*


Fear engulfs my whole body, he's found me, he's back. My body is stiff and I can feel Jungkook tensing next to me.

"Shhh, it's ok. I won't let him hurt you, ok? But we should face this now and put an end to it." Although he's trying to sound confident I can hear the small amount of doubt built up in the back of his throat.

I attempt to steady my breathing and look into his eyes for help as the booming footsteps grow closer. I can't face him on my own, I don't even know if I would survive.

"Y/n, I know you're here." His loud voice resonates throughout the house, he sounds close now, too close, painfully close.

I brace myself for whatever is about to come our way but I feel strangely powerful with this ex-delinquent by my side. Abruptly the door burst open to reveal my one and only...father.

My father aggressively approaches me as he speaks, no, as he shouts, "Y/n, wtf?! You never came back, you didn't listen to me and didn't follow my orders!" His eyes shift to Jungkook who is slightly infront of me in a protective manner, "Oh, it's you." My dad's words are full of hate as he spits at Jungkook, "No wonder she didn't come back, she's been whoring around with you hasn't she. Don't worry buddy, she'll move on soon, she's only messing with you." 

These words struck a chord in me and I feel myself becoming enraged to the point where my terror is replaced with pure anger towards the bastard infront of me.

"What the f*ck is your problem? I love him." I yell, not holding back any longer, no longer allowing myself to live in fear of the man I once called dad.

"Oh y/n, Sweet, innocent y/n. He's just toying with you, all he wants is your body and when he gets bored he'll move on." 

"A few months ago I would've believed you, but not anymore. You are a despicable person, Jungkook has become my only source of happiness he saved me from the life that you lead me down and has always been here for me, I know better than to doubt him." I pause and he goes to speak but I interrupt him, "Don't even dare trying to talk because I've had enough! You can insult me all you want but you're going too far when you insult the man I love especially after everything he's done for me. Get out of his house and don't bother ever coming back or looking for me again, Frank, you are officially some man I use to know, you are no longer my father." I state confidently.

He is obviously taken aback and shocked, as am I to be honest. Frank scoffs before looking to Jungkook for one last try, "She's crazy kid I'm telling you she-"

"Shut up and get out," Jungkook interrupted him, "Get out of our house." 

That word 'our' sends chills down my spine. 'Our house' I smile at the thought.

Frank rolls his eyes one last time before exiting finally giving up. I'm free?! I'm finally free. Free from that terrible life free from the torture and pain that he brought me everyday!

I turn to Jungkook with tears present in my eyes, "I'm free..." I state quietly, "I'm free!!" I then repeat screaming it this time to make sure I notify everyone, including the neighbors, of the great news. 

He just chuckles and pulls me in for a hug as we go back to our Frank free life.


It's officially been a month since Frank left my life alone. He was the final part of my life that needed to be fixed. As of today I can proudly state that I have been clean from cutting for a month and clean from drugs for 3 months, I eat healthily and no longer feel guilty about it. I still have anxiety and depression and I probably always will but I've come to accept that, I will have my off days and I know that sometimes life will get hard but I now know that I can overcome those obstacles with the help of the people that I love and I will be there to do the same for them. I no longer have to live in fear of people, Frank, JB and all other bullies are long gone from my life. I am more confident and can finally be myself without worrying, I'm almost a completely different person. 

Helping you - BTS Jungkook x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant