Chapter 25- Help

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I feel the motion of the break as my anxiety builds up again. Unsure of where we are. The black door slides open revealing a very pissed off JB.

"Get out." His voice is harsh and demanding, one I don't want to mess with. I immediately follow all of his orders, not wanting to find out the consequences of not being obedient.

"Good girl." He manipulates. Its like torture, I finally felt like I had some control when Jungkook came into my life, when all the boys did, but now I've reverted back to this.

The place we arrived at is quite big but the aura around it is uncertain...

Someone pushes me from behind, telling me to go inside, I comply.

As I enter the smell of drugs and neglect fill my nostrils. I can instantly tell this is a high class house the decor and format are give aways. However this beautiful house has clearly been wasted, bought by Mafias, and used for dangerous things.

JB appears infront of me, "Follow me." Any playfulness in his voice has vanished and I'm left with the runt of his attitude.

He leads me to a room, isolated down a long corridor. Dim lights cast evil shadows that lurk in the walls and watch you. He opens the door and I get pushed inside, "This is your room and where you will stay until I call you."

I have no reply, speechless at the situation.


Its been ages since I came here and I've been locked inside this small damp dark room for God knows how long. I've lost track of time; it could've been hours or days.

Lost in thought, I don't notice the door swing open as a big Broad man enters the room.

"JB wants you." His speech is short and simple however, very effective.

He grabs my arm tightly, I wouldn't even dare struggle out of his grip as I know I wouldnt get very far.

The living room I saw earlier now looks more comfy and lit up, still overly expensive, ignored and not at all homely. 4 men are sitting on the covered couches, all eyes on me.

JB is sitting directly opposite where I'm standing. I feel intimidated and out numbered, although, I wish I could get away, Im not stupid and I realise that's not possible on my own.

"You and me need to have a chat." JB speaks, with authorisation.


Terrified and defenceless I follow JB into a solitary room, away from the others.

"Do you know why you're here?" Hes patronising me.

I shake my head, even though I spoke to him before that was me caught up in the moment desperately trying to help the boys, I can't talk to him anymore.

"Oh we're gonna be quiet again are we?" He scoffs, "Talk to me bitch, you've already shown me this little act is fake, there's no point in pretending you're 'scared, afraid and innocent anymore.'"

My silence clearly aggrivates him as his words become harsher and his actions more violent.

His claw like hand clamps down on my neck chocking me, "Talk slut." He says behind clenched teeth and balled fists.

Once he realises I'm not going to speak he raises his fist and I await the hit, knowing I have no way out.

As if a gift from God one of his bodyguards enter, "JB, we've got a problem."

JB releases my neck and exits the room, leaving me alone, again. I raise my hand delicately to my neck which I can instantly tell has dark purple bruises on it from his grip.

The tears that have been threatening to fall are finally being released. I feel the gentle touch of the droplets rolling down my face. Im trying to stop but I've got to much to let out. I officially broke again.

I desperately search for a knife or something, if I can't get out of here then I want to die or at least feel pain.

It must be my fault I'm here, somehow...

I remember the razor I've always kept in my shoe, I forget it's their as I become Numb to the feeling of it.


I slowly pull it out of my shoe, my hand is shaking violently, tears still falling. I feel a sense of relief after holding it again.

I press it to my arm, reminiscing the sharp pain on my arm. The nostalgia kicks in as I drag it across my battered arm. The severe sting burns into my arm and I feel the blood trickle down my arm as I hear the drops onto the cold, hard, stone floor.


I continue to do this until I'm able to control my tears more.

The sound of banging takes my attention and I quickly roll my sleeve down and slide the bloody razor between my foot and shoe.

The door opens. JB and 3 bodyguards appear. JB waits at the door and examines my surroundings.

"Where did the blood come from?" He is scarily calm and collected, he sniggers once figuring it out, "Ohhh, so you did this to yourself." He approaches me and grabs my arm tight, I yelp and wince at the sinister pain he's causing me.

"Aww does y/n want to talk now?" His grip tightens and he twists my arm evilly, "Oh sorry, does this hurt? Isnt that what you wanted? Why else would you cut yourself." He grins maliciously and releases my arm.

His phone rings distracting him. I can only make out a few words but I definitely heard him say Jinyoungs name.

I don't blame the rest of Got7, I know they told JB to stop but he clearly didn't listen to them. He's their friend after all. At least they haven't helped him take me away.

"So, about why your here, I bet those boys haven't told you anything about what goes on between our two groups?" The smirk returns to his face.

Confusion swamps me which becomes present on my face.

"Ahh, so they haven't. I don't know much about Jungkook since he's new, I don't know how much he knows or if he knows anything at all, but what I do know is he can fight. No person can fight like that without being in a gang or something but I assume from how close you two are that you already know about his past right?"

I nod my head slightly scared of what direction this one sided conversation will take.

"Let's just say... Got7 are like a mini gang, we don't kill or commit any serious crimes but we're like a school gang, so we go against other school gangs. So a much less dangerous gang I suppose." He's talking like a crazy person, "your so called 'friends' are also a gang, they go by the name BTS."

My face twists with disbelief. Though I don't want to believe it the more I think about the more it makes sense. Its fine I reassure myself. Its not a proper gang its the school version of a gang they don't really do anything bad except fight each other sometimes.

JB clearly sees this is my first time hearing any of this as he continues, "maybe they dont tell you as much as you think. Anyway, long story short, Got7 and BTS have been enemy gangs for a while now and eventhough your boyfriend hasn't been here long hes getting in the way a lot. So I guess you could call yourself the bait."

I take a minute to absorb all the information I was just given and it all adds up. The main thing I want to know is how much does Jungkook know?

He said he was going to start a new life for himself, its not fair if he's been dragged into all this without knowing about it.

Without realising JB and the security guards have already left.

Dizzy from thinking too much I decide to lie down, it's uncomfortable but my legs ache. Eventually, I am able to drift off to a rough sleep.


Thank you for being patient, its my summer holidays now so hopefully I will be able to update more regularly for you!

Please check oyt my other books as I'm still active on them as well!

I hoped you enjoy reading this book,
Thank you - Bangtanxxo

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