Chapter 6 - It's On..

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"I guess it's just us three left then." Jimin states the obvious.

"Yeah." Yoongi doesn't seem to care that much.

"It surprises me you can drink this much Y/N. Not bad." Jimin smirks mischievously.

I don't really know what to do so the floor begins to look very interesting. Until Jimin decides to speak again, "I'll tell you what, I challenge both of you to see who can last the longest out of us three."

My eyes widen as he tells you and the grumpy one his idea.

"I'm down." Shit. Why Yoongi, why?

I sigh, getting a bad feeling about this.

"Unless your scared." 'He's teasing you, don't let him win' I say to myself.

Finally I agree. 'Oh it's on.'

The three of us start drinking again. At this point I guess that we are all on a par so no one is currently in the lead.

After a while, I can tell I am verging on drunk as I get that feeling where you feel invinsable.

My vision begins to go blurry as I get slightly dizzy. Panic rushes through my body until I look to see Yoongi and Jimin in similar states, immediately calming my nerves.

My gaze falls to Jungkook, immediately drawn to his soft pink lips.

I wonder what it would feel like to feel his mouth connect with mine. No stop thinking that y/n!

Ignoring my inappropriate mind, I stare at his closed eyes. How can someone be so nice, why would someone be so nice to me?

I don't deserve it. Everything that Jimin and his friends have ever said to me is true. Why am I even here?

I take one last glance at his perfectly structured face, glowing in the dim lighting causing shadows to cover half of it.

Slowly I draw my dead eyes away from the beautiful creation that is Jeon Jungkook.

I don't deserve him. I don't deserve to live.

Suddenly, my mind is clouded by dark thoughts. They just decide to come and haunt you for a bit sometimes.

I know what I need to do.

I start to walk up the stairs towards the bathroom, hoping neither of the two drunks down there will notice my absence.

"Y/n, where are you going?" Too late.

I turn around to face the directioj of the deep voice, Yoongi.

I point upstairs praying they will understand and just let me go.

They both nod and brush me off. Phewww.

As I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding I go towards the bathroom...

(Trigger Warning!) - I will say when to start reading again if you want to skip this part.

Making it safely into the bathroom, I pull out my old friend, my only friend.

I always carry one around with me, just in case.

Gently, I pull up my sleeve revealing all the ugly cuts and scars already on my beaten arm.

The urge gets stronger. Taking one last deep breath I push the cold metal against my skin...

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