Chapter 34 - I'm Ready....

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*I decided to do a double update this week! :)*

"Y/n?" I instantly recognise the voice as Jimin's. He's exiting the room along with another one of his girls.

Hyunjin turns around abruptly and almost shouts, "Can't you see we're doing something here." His tone of voice terrifies me to the point I can't even speak up for myself.

Jimin seems speechless as if he doesn't know how to process what he just saw, "...She wouldn't have agreed to do that."

"Well she did so can you leave?" Hyunjin replies losing his patience and has his hand over my mouth so I can't say anything. Out of nowhere a knife materialises in Hyunjin's hand and he presses it to my stomach, my eyes widen and my body stiffens.

Jimin, unable to see the knife from where he's standing, looks at me directly in my eyes and asks in a soothing voice, "Y/n, honestly did you agree to this?". My eyes start watering and tears stream down my face, Hyunjin removes his hand from my mouth allowing me to talk but gives me a deadly look at the same time and threatens me by pushing the knife further into my stomach so it starts to draw blood.

I panic not knowing what to say or what to do, he pushes the knife harder causing me pain, reminding me of what will happen if I don't answser the way he wants me to. Slowly and reluctantly I nod my head. Jimin turns his head not even looking at me, this hurts more than all the times he bullied me, this hurts so much more.

"Since she just admitted it we'll go and carry on then, thanks for the room guys." Hyunjin says sinisterly whilst making me walk towards the room Jimin just exited. As soon as we enter he shuts the door and says, "Good girl, now let's continue." I back away from him but not fast enough as he throws me onto the bed and climbs on top of me pinning me down by my wrists.

I inhale sharply from the pain of his pressure applied onto my cuts. He attacks my neck again and he's wasting no time now. He then uses one hand to pin both of my arms down as he uses his other to start unbuttoning my top. I want to scream but nothing will come out. I hate this feeling of vulnerability especially infront of him. He loosens his grip so he can remove his own clothing but he's still got the knife in his hands so I daren't try anything from fear of the consequences. He quickly tightens his clasp again. Then his hand falls onto my bum and he squeezes it tightly, I feel so violated.


Desperately, I'm running around trying to find Jungkook. I immediately saw the knife and as much as I wanted to smash that guys face in then and there I knew I couldn't incase he hurt y/n.

Finally, I find him, "Jungkook!" He senses the worry and urgency in my voice and instantly stops what he's doing. I gesture for him to follow me and I explain the situation as I lead him upstairs.

I can see his blood boil and I can't blame him.

He practically bashes the door down and we are both taken aback when we see y/n's crying face pinned down with her bra fully exposed and that bastard lying on top of her.


Hyunjin's hands go dangerously close to the hem of my underwear and I squirm under him.

As if on cue Jungkook and Jimin come storming in and I have never been more relieved in my life. They both jump on Hyunjin and once he's unconcious on the floor they take the knife and come over to me.

"Oh my god, y/n are you ok?" Jimin asks frantically.

Jungkook just looks at my stomach and sees the cut from the knife, "We will talk about this later lets get out of here first." Jimin places his jacket over me to cover me up as Jungkook doesn't have one and he lifts me up as Jimin takes my hand as if they're my bodyguards.

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