Chapter 35 - The Next Morning

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I stir to the sound of birds chirping, as I reluctantly open my eyes I am welcomed by the cascade of sunlight seeping in through the gaps between the stitches in the second hand blinds. It takes me a few seconds to register everything. I realise I have no clothes on and the memories from last night come flooding back. I can't believe it actually happened. I squeal excitedly inside but try not to move too much to avoid waking the sleeping bunny. Too late.

I look up into the eyes of the most photogenic person I have ever met, only to quickly hide my face from embarassment.

"Hey babe." Jungkook greets in his husky morning voice.

I nod my head too shy to say anything and keep my head buried in his chest not wanting to face him after last night.

"Awww, are we not talking to me now?" He chuckles. I shake my head to indicate 'no'.

"Are you embarassed?" I nod

"Do you regret it?" A Pang of worry passes through his voice as he asks this. I shake my head to which he releases a breath he didn't realise he was holding.

He pecks the top of my head before announcing he's going to take a shower I move my head off of his chest and into the pillow allowing him to get up and go to the shower. I wait until I hear the door lock and the water running before I raise my head partly to avoid embarrassment and partly so I don't see a naked Jungkook. As soon as he's gone I squeal again trying to contain my emotions. Quickly, I get changed and run downstairs and start making breakfast, hoping this will mean he doesn't talk to me.

I hear his footsteps coming down the stairs and I use all my will power to not turn around.

"Babyyyy, why are you ignoring mee?" I hear Jungkook whine contrasting drastically with his attitude last night. I simply don't reply.

He back hugs me and states in a calm, soothing voice, "Y/n, babe, it's nothing to be ashamed of and you don't need to feel embarrassed." I turn around to face him for the first time and smile before pecking his lips, "I know Oppa, thank you." I answer.

He smiles at my reply as I'm finally talking to him again, "That's more like it." He ruffles my hair and helps me finish off the food. 


Currently, we are all gathered at Hoseok Oppa's house and I am in a light-hearted argument with Namjoon. 

"Yeah, well I could turn a straight guy gay if I wanted to." he fires back and we both giggle at his statement. 

Deciding to tease him I put on a crying face and approach Jin Oppa, "Mum! Namjoon is bullying me." 

My mum (Jin) stretches his arms out to me to form a protective barrier around my body away from Namjoon and cries "Oh, My Baby!" and sends a death glare in RM's direction.

"Snitch." Namjoon mumbles whilst trying to contain his smile, to which I simply stick my tongue out to him. 

Our immaturity comes to an abrupt hault when Jungkook gets a phone call so we all decide to be quiet.

"mmhhh." He hums into the phone before thanking the person on the other end of the phone before facing all of us again.

"Who was it?" Hoseok asks the question that was dancing around all of our minds.

The man before us inhales deeply before speaking, "Ok, I didn't want to mention it at the time because I didn't want anyone worrying but I reported the incident with Hyunjin to the police." The sound of that names automatically makes me feel sick as I feel all the eyes in the room attempt to skim over me subtly but they all fail miserably making it blatantly obvious, "Anyway that was the police getting back to me." We all await the news from the maknae tensely, "They said when they asked around and dug a bit deeper it turns out he's done similar things to other girls from the campus as well." My whole body freezes as I pity those girls who weren't as lucky as me to have amazing boys to save me from anything serious happening, "Basically, the outcome is he's going to prison for at least 20 years for assault, harassment and rape." 

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