Chapter 27 - Finally Over

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As he presses the button time seems to slow down the anticipation of what it does is nerve wracking.

His finger encloses on top of it and instantly y/n uncharacteristically screeches in agony.

Y/N's POV:

I'm just sitting here and all of a sudden this excruciating pain runs through my whole body causing me to deafeningly scream. My lifeless body has suddenly jumped into action from the adrenaline of torture.

Using all my energy to attempt to escape this agony I can't. It's unbearable, I cry and pray for it to stop as seconds feel like hours and minutes feel like days.

Jungkook's POV:

Y/N's defined vains from how skinny she is are now sticking out even more and turning a dark shade of purple. I can see something running through them.

All of BTS immediately start shouting and crying for him to stop.

"Stop it! Stop it!"


The sound of throwing things and thick walls being punched can be heard behind me but I'm not paying attention to any of that, I'm too focused on what I'm saying and doing.

"You sick bastard, stop it right fucking now!" I stride up to him raging, fists clenched, teeth gritted.

She doesn't deserve this, her life has been hard enough and now this as well?!

"Fine, ill stop." He calmly says before pressing the dangerous red button again to stop it.

We all desperately look at the screen to see a broken girl tied to a chair sobbing and distraught. Y/n...

Y/N's POV:

Thankfully, the torture stopped. What's going on? I can't help but cry.

I feel sick and tired, my whole body aches and I'm terrified that pain is going to return, but most of all I'm worried about the Boys, BTS.

Im sorry boys, this is all my fault...

If I hadn't given them the burden of being my friend then this never would have happened.

Jungkook's POV:

His bodyguards are slowly encroaching on us and JB slyly asks, "So what will it be? Her or you?" His grin is like no other, as big and wide as the Cheshire cat and with as much evil intent as pennywise.

I look to the others for support but they look just as conflicted as me. There's no way I'm letting y/n get hurt.

"Akwkk.. Skwo..wiwo" A muffled voice materialises from JB's pocket, "Jaoak.. Wkwo.. Wjs."

He is temporarily distracted by it as he pulls a walkie talkie out of his trouser pocket the muffled voice becomes audible as he presses the button and lifts it to his ear.

I can just make out what he's being told, "Boss, we have a problem out here in the main room."

Rolling his eyes JB interrogates "What kind of problem"

"Nothing we can't handle but we're going to need some back up."

Irritated that he's being interrupted JB doesn't question any further, "Fine, I'll send some."

He signals to a few of the men in here and in an orderly fashion they exit the room.

He continues with his original intentions, "So back to what we were talking about," he sees none of us are listening to him and gets aggrivated, "Ughhh, what is it?"

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