Chapter 17 - Eating Disorder

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I know it's late but HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 💜💜

The majority of the car journey is silent but Jungkook breaks it.

"I'm sorry, you had to see that."

Still very shaken up my voice comes out husky as if I had a cold, "I-it's ok."

I clear my throat and try to calm my nerves.

He sighs, "Please don't be scared, I'm not usually like that."

"I know, thank you." He still frightened me a bit though.

"You'll just have to stay at mine for a while." He invites.

I widen my eyes.

"Erm-ummm...are you sure? I can always find somewhere else." I can't but I don't want to be a burden to him.

"Honestly, it's no trouble. It will actually be quite nice to have some company." He assures me.

His focus returns to the twisted road ahead, my loving gaze doesn't leave his angelic face.

How can someone be so nice? Especially to me. How can someone switch so quickly from being that terrifying furious person to be the amazing, benevolent man I know? He's done so much for me already yet he chooses to open his door for me when I need it.

Rudely, our arrival to his home blocks my thoughts, forcing me to reluctantly pull my eyes away from Jungkook and placing them on his house.

"We're here." He states undoing his seat belt.

I copy the action and tread towards the door not far behind Jungkook.

Clanks of metal clashing with each other mu ears pick up as he fumbles with his keys finding the right one.
He pushes the key into the lock and completes the turning action.

As we enter he points out, "You don't really have any of the things you need at the minute, so tomorrow we can go shopping for you after school."

Hes right, I don't have any of the essentials. But, I don't have any money either.

"Umm.. Jungkook? I don't have any money." I inform him, curious as to what the solution to this problem is.

He chuckles, "Don't worry, I'll pay for whatever you need." He ruffles my hair.

"You don't need to do that it's fine, I will come up with a way to earn money." Hoping he's fooled by my acting to sound confident.

"By tomorrow?" He questions, making me realise how stupid my idea was.

"Ok, but I'll pay you back." I say not wanting to back down.

"No, you don't need to." He doesn't give in either.

I sigh, "But Jungkook, you've done so much for me already. I don't know how to repay you." I tell him.

He steps towards me and stares me in the eye, "Y/n, you don't have to repay me. I am just being a good friend."

Reluctantly, I give up, "Ok, thank you."

We continue inside and warm up.


We have just been on our phones.

"Hey its getting pretty late do you want to just order food?" Jungkook asks me.

"Ok, sure." It feels weird talking to someone so casually not scarey just unusual.

Immediately, I am searching every inch of my brain for an excuse I can use later to not eat much but I can't find one.

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