Chapter 28 - Trauma

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Jungkook's POV

Eternally grateful to Daniel, I continue to carry y/n. Her fragile state is worrying, please be ok y/n.



Slowly, I open my eyes. An immediate migraine hits me like a truck as I adjust to the world again. My awakening is witnessed by 7 concerned guys looking at me.

They greet me with smiles of relief, I feel so weak all I can manage in return is half a smile.

"Y/n, you're awake! Can you manage to sit up?" They're all obviously worried but Jungkook's little face is heartbreaking to see.

"I don't know." My voice is raspy and hoarse from dehydration and weakness. Probably only Jungkook could hear me from my low volume.

Jungkook's eyes well up but he quickly pushes the tears back down, "Here let me help you."

He holds my arm and gently lifts me up so I'm in a sitting position.

"Y/n, I know you probably don't want to, but please eat this. I made it and it's really good for you." Jin places a tray of soup infront of me.

I shake my head instantly regretting it as I get dizzy.

"Please y/n, I know about you're eating disorder but you look as if you-you..." Jungkooks words get caught in his throat.

"Could snap and collapse at any second." Yoongi finishes his sentence for him, being very blunt but has my best interests in mind.

"At least drink." Namjoon says with a stern voice.

Hoseok hands me a glass of water, I almost drop it because its too heavy.

Jungkook notices and takes the glass from me and holds it to my mouth, I drink from it.

I feel pathetic, I can't even drink on my own. I'm in such a vulnerable position right now, why do any of these guys bother with me anymore? I'm worthless.

"How do you feel?" Jimin asks, a sympathetic look painted on him.

Great I'm pitiful as well.

I just nod careful not to agrivate my head ache too much.

"Get some rest for now ok? Please eat something at some point though, even if its just small." 6 sad looking boys leave the room, Jungkook stayed.

"Do you want me to stay?"

I nod lightly.

He gives me an empathetic smile.


Jungkook's POV

Once I'm sure she's asleep I tip toe to the others in the living room.

"How is she?" Jin inquires.

"I don't know she's barely spoken to me." I reply honestly.

"Well, it makes sense, she's probably backtracked a bit." Jimin joins in.

"Yeah, it's traumatic to go through something like that." Namjoon shares his wisdom.

"I just feel so bad. She's already been through so much and finally when she starts to appreciate life this happens." I feel a tear roll down my cheek and the others just look at me understanding.

"She needs to eat though, otherwise she doesn't have much longer left. She's painfully thin." J-hope says us all agreeing.


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