Jeon Jungkook | Rivals

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Jungkook and Y/N were rivals since birth. Their families were friends, they were the same age and almost the same level at everything.

As a good example of their competitive-ness, Jungkook only started playing guitar because Y/N had. And even though Y/N had that one week of guitar ahead of Jungkook, he managed to play B minor, a chord Y/N struggled with, on the first try.

It's obvious of their tension. However, the teachers look past that and constantly pair the two for projects, despite Jungkook's teasing and Y/N's heated temper.

One night, Y/N, Jungkook and another student were at Jungkook's house doing a science project. Y/N, who had written all the info, fell asleep soundly on the couch as Jungkook and the other student, Jae, did the rest equally.

"See you at school, bro," Jungkook parted as Jae left the house. It was close to 10 PM, and Jungkook's parents were out to an overnight trip for a honeymoon in a town a few hours over.

Jungkook's house was completely silent, his older brother gone to college as well. The only sounds audible was the weak buzz of electricity throughout the house.

Jungkook went back to the living room, taking a seat on the counter as he began to save the works. When he finished, he shut the laptop then swivelled around in his chair.

Behind him, Y/N slept soundly, her mouth slightly agape as small snores sounded from her. Every now and then, she shifted in her sleep and rubbed her bare arms.

Jungkook looked down at his sweater, then moved to the space beside Y/N. She leaned back against the chair, her face looking up and her neck in an awkward position.

Carefully, Jungkook shifted her so he could place his jacket on her. However, the force that pulled her made her unconsciously lean towards it, landing softly onto Jungkook's lap.

His eyes widened, and he stared at the girl below him. She seemed quiet, but she began to move around to make herself more comfortable.

Y/N finally stopped, and Jungkook could feel her breathing. He couldn't see her facial features, as she turned away from him.

His eye caught the goosebumps forming at her arm, and he quickly reminded himself to do as told. As stealthily as he could, he stripped off his coat and pulled it from him.

Jungkook placed it over her, adjusting it to cover her arms. When he was content, he leaned back and stared at her through the back of her head.

Y/N didn't seem affected for a few moments. Then, she weakly grasped the clothe around her and brought it closer.

But Jungkook just stared with a straight face.

He looked around, cursing himself for leaving his phone upstairs. The window was shut, but the moonlight creeped through the glass and rested on the floor.

Jungkook relaxed, leaning against the back of the couch. I guess a little shut eye won't hurt...

Y/N woke up with a shock, her dream so vivid it scared her. Her head shot up from where she sat, and Y/N furrowed her eyebrows at the weird rest beneath her.

When she realized what it was, she quickly sat up properly. Jungkook's jacket fell from her shoulders, landing onto her lap.

Y/N glanced at it, then at Jungkook's peaceful face. His arm was resting over the back of the couch, and his head leaned against his shoulder.

His facial features weren't pulled down in a frown or smirk as usual, instead relaxed and easy. Y/N examined him closely.

He wasn't that bad looking when he slept.

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