Kim Taehyung (V) | Happy Birthday.

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Taehyung woke up, bright and cheery unlike his usual morning self. As soon as he entered the main dorm, he was met with cheerful greetings and sizzling food.

"Happy birthday, Tae!"

"Happy birthday!!!!"

"Happy birthday, hyung!!"

V grinned brightly at the greetings, happy at their lively-ness, despite the fact they still had work today.

"I made seaweed soup and some bacon," Jin said as soon as V took a seat to begin eating. It took V a second to take in the sight of delicious food before taking Jin's hand and thanking him.

Jin just laughed heartily, taking a seat. Soon enough, the 7 hungry boys dug into the delicious food, almost inhaling it.

"Work starts at noon," Namjoon notified in between bites, "It starts a little late, and ends early. We have a fan meet, then that's it I believe. We get home around 6-ish." Tae nodded, not paying much attention as he continued eating.

"I'll do the dishes," J-Hope volunteered as they all finished. He wrapped a cheery arm around Tae, smiling brightly, "So Taetae here doesn't have to."

Tae laughed, placing a hand on his arm. "Thanks, hyung!" J-Hope grinned again, before making his way to do as he promised.

Then, all the boys dispersed to their own things. Immediately, V checked his phone.

The time read 10:49 AM, and a lot of notifications popped up on the front of his screen.

He quickly opened the phone, checking all the texts from family and friends. Thankfully, he got texts from his parents and family. There were some from his friends, but he was disappointed to see the person he wanted to be greeted from didn't text.

But, he quickly shook his head. She'll text later, he thought as he opened twitter, I'm sure of it.

For the rest of the day, V was bombarded with greetings, even from those he didn't know well. The camera man took a lot of photo's of him, probably for the Facebook page.

But he couldn't rid the heavy feeling in his chest. Even talking to all the fans, who gave him gifts and warm smiles, couldn't make the feeling reside.

When the seven got back, they all decided to watch a movie. They ended up with an English horror, called Annabelle.

"Are you sure?" Tae asked, slightly leaning away from the DVD with the creepy doll on it.

Suga just grinned lazily, "Loosen up, Tae! There's seven of us and it's your birthday!" Reluctantly, Tae gave in. Just because he was such a nice person to his hyung's and dongsaeng.

As RapMon and Suga went to start the movie, Tae went to his Facebook to check for any new messages. There were new greetings from old classmates, and from distant Uncle's and Aunt's. But, none from Y/N.

His eye's almost fell out of their pockets when he saw her post an update. 'On the train!~' She posted, just a few minutes ago. V furrowed his eyebrows. She can update about her being on a train, but not greet her own boyfriend happy birthday?

Tae clicked his tongue quietly, shutting off the phone. He gave up, simply too done to deal with Y/N. Fine, he thought as the lights dimmed, Forget about my birthday. He crossed his arms, as the movie began on the screen. The room was buzzing with excitement and nervousness, excluding the sulking alien.

V sat beside Jimin on the edge of the couch, as Jimin spoke intently about something to J-Hope. Tae took an inward sigh, before pretending to let go of the Y/N problem. He leaned in a little, peering into their conversation. " hands are clammy!" He could hear J-Hope exclaimed, followed by the rustle of clothe. Jimin snickered, and V just rolled his eyes and relaxed against the back of the couch.

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