Kim Taehyung (V) | Trapped

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It was only to finish our project.

I went over to Taehyung's house, to finish the science project we had been doing. Two hours, I had been there.

It was a miracle my parents even let me step foot into a boys' house, and yet here I am.


Because of the stupid snow.

"Y/N, you're gonna have to stay there until the snow clears up..." My dad said to me through the phone, "I trust you won't do anything irresponsible."

I scoffed, "'Course. But you're sure?" I didn't really wanna stay here with Taehyung. It was just the two of us, and even though he was really nice company, I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable around him.

I mean, come on, he's really handsome.

"Yes," Dad replied, "I will call you when I can pick you up." I nodded slowly, and stared outside at the white wonderland building up.

"Alright, bye," I said, hanging up before he could reply. In the kitchen, it was fairly clean with a couple dirty dishes in the sink.

The window seemed to taunt me with snow, even if I was a winter fanatic.

"Looks like I'm staying here," I announced as I walked back into the living room. Taehyung sat on the couch, and I sat on the love seat.

A red blanket was thrown over the arm of the chair, and I helped myself by tangling myself into it.

"...Do you like snow?" Taehyung asked quietly. My eyes were unconsciously closed, the warmness seeping into my body.

"Yeah, I'm a winter baby after all," I responded, then poked an eye open to look at him, "How about you?"

Although he seemed tired, he still looked as handsome as ever, and I wanted to cover myself up as an ugly being.

"Yeah," He stated simply. I nodded awkwardly, then went back to pulling the blanket to my nose.

It smelled musky and warm. That was the only way to describe it. I took a quiet breathe, taking in the scent.

"Do you want any hot chocolate or tea?" Taehyung asked, making me freeze. I probably did look creepy.

"Oh, yeah, that'd be great," I answered, pulling down the blanket, "I'll help you actually."

Taehyung nodded, hauling himself up. I followed him out the living room, and into the kitchen, where the taunting window was.

"The hot chocolate mix is just in the cupboard over there," Taehyung said, pointing to a cupboard by the fridge.

I nodded, and went to take the mix. As I tippy toed to reach it, it barely landed into my hands.

I sighed in relief, and as I turned around, ran straight into Taehyung.

The mugs he held spilt onto the floor, and my eyes widened.

"Oh my, I am so s-" I was cut off when Taehyung tried to move, instead slipping on the puddle of spilt water.

His foot slightly kicked my knee. My eyes resembled plates as my knees betrayed me, and I fell over.

I landed right on top of him. Our bodies pressed together tightly, and my face as right beside his.

"I'm so so s-" I stopped when I propped myself up. Taehyung's face was right under mine, and at that moment, millions of thoughts ran through my head.

Does my breathe smell? Do I look ugly? Damn it, he's so handsome. Am I heavy on him?

Before I could ponder anymore, a pair of warm hands found their way to my neck.

They pulled me down, and in an instant, my lips touched Taehyungs.

It took me a second to realize what was happening. Then, I responded. I took time to remember the kisses I had from middle school, the stuff my parents never knew. I tried to follow his movements, so I wouldn't seem truly clueless.

After a second or two, I pulled away. My cheeks tainted red, and my breathe slightly uneven.

"Haha, sorry, I sh-" I laughed off my embarrassment as I pulled myself off the poor boy, only to be pulled down again.

"Nah, I quite like the position," Taehyung smirked, hugging me tightly. I only turned brighter, but stayed in his embrace.

We were interrupted by knocks at the door, and I hauled myself up in lightning speed.

As he stood up, I stuck a finger at him, as if scolding.

"You tell no one," I swore, looking him in the eye.

"Promise," He smiled a teethy grin, holding up his pinky as a promise.

I relaxed, and smiled.

"Thank you."

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