Jung Hoseok (J-Hope) | Fatigue

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The girl made her way to the practice room, cursing herself for leaving her keys. "I thought I had it," She muttered, rubbing the fatigue out of her eyes, "It's 2AM, Y/N, get it together." She stopped a few feet in front of the practice room though, hearing the sound of music playing.

The genre of music signalled who it was, and Y/N smiled. "Idiot," She murmured, as she headed to the door, "He needs to sleep too, gosh..." With loud hands, she opened the door.

"Hoseok ah," Y/N said as soon as she entered. Her sleepiness seemed to disappear, at the sight of her friend.

J-Hope stopped, then caught her gaze in the mirror. Sweat graze his skin, and his hair was drenched. The redness of his face showed his effort.

Y/N shook her head disapprovingly, "You need to sleep, Hoseok." Hoseok shrugged, and looked at himself in the mirror.

It was obvious he was tired. His figure was slouched, and his eyes seemed half open. Lips were pulled down in a tired frown, and his heavy breathes were audible. He squatted down, like he was too tired to hold his own weight.

"I'm serious," Y/N states, walking over to him. She placed a wary hand on his shoulder, and he seemed to tense under her touch. "You can practice all you want, but if you die of sleep deprivation, it'll be worth nothing." J-Hope looked up at her, catching her worried gaze.

He sighed, "You're right." Hoseok hauled himself up, and Y/N let her hand fall off his shoulder. In a matter of seconds, he went from being towered over to being the tower.

J-Hope walked to the side of the room, leaving Y/N in the middle. "Why are you here, then?" He questioned, picking up his water bottle.

"Me?" She repeated, pointing to herself, "I was working overtime. Left my keys here, so I came to get them." He nodded understandingly, then began to drink.

Y/N stared at him. Her realization sunk in, and her eyelids began to feel heavy. "Don't mind me," She murmured quietly, not to anyone in particular. With slow steps, she walked over to the wall. She sat down, resting her back against the cold wall.

J-Hope walked over, and took a seat beside her. "You say I should sleep," commented J-Hope as she yawned, "I could say the same thing to you." Y/N shrugged, then leaned her head onto her own shoulder.

"You can... leave first," Y/N muttered, shutting her eyes, "I'm just gonna stay here... for a couple of, uh, minutes." Her speech began to slow down, along with her breathing.

Her neck felt awkward, but she shrugged it off as she fell asleep to the sound of her own breathing.

J-Hope stared over at his peer, then tsked at her position. "Pabo," He whispered, moving her head, "You're gonna wake up with a sore neck." When he let go, her head unconsciously leaned towards J-Hope's shoulder.

His eyes widened slightly, but he quickly recovered. "Oh well," J-Hope dismissed, "It won't hurt to take a nap. Anyways, practice is in this room tomorrow morning as well..." He trailed off as his eyes closed as well. The warmth of the girl beside him made him want to cuddle her, and sleep with her in his arms.

But he held it in.

Although the lights were on, and J-Hope was still drenched in sweat, he found comfort and warmth in his friend who cared for him.

J-Hope peered over at Y/N again. He studied her beautiful features, the way her skin sunk in and popped in some places. The deep bags under her eyes, and her smooth skin. She didn't have acne, and she obviously wasn't wearing make-up.

He felt his cheeks heat a little. But, he quickly closed his eyes again.

Having a crush is not in his list of things for the next comeback.

In the morning, Y/N woke up to the loud noise of boys and footsteps. When she opened her eyes, she was surprised to see Bangtan practicing.

J-Hope caught her slight movement. "Y/N ah! You're awake!" Y/N looked over at him with a tired gaze, the noticed the sun shining through the windows.

Immediately, her eyes widened. "What time is it?!" Jungkook, the closest to her, frowned at her sudden outburst.

"It's 10:30 AM," Jungkook answered, "Why?" Y/N rushed up, and noticed her crumpled clothing. Although, she thought it was a miracle her neck wasn't cramping because of her napping position.

She looked around, the noticed the instructors in the back who were talking amongst themselves. "Oh!" Y/N smacked herself in the forehead, "I have a day off~" Jin and a few others laughed at her forgetfulness.

Y/N looked at J-Hope, then to the rest. "I'll be leaving now." She grabbed her keys off the table, and moved to go out the door.

She stopped in the middle of the doorframe. "Hoseok?" She called without turning around.

"Hmm?" He replied.

"Make sure you sleep." With final smile, she closed the door behind her, leaving the hallway empty and quiet.

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