Park Jimin | Cruel Prank

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[Sorry to those who requested imagines and haven't gotten them yet. I'm really busy, and I rushed this one. Not edited, by the way] For

Mica sat on the bed, the covers around her. Her best friend, Wendy, sat on the floor with an excited look on her face. Though a weekday, their families were close enough to allow this occasion.

"Okay okay, so how does this sound?" Mica asked, as she scrolled to the top of the paragraph she typed, "Hey, I know this is almost out of the blue but I wanted you to know that I like you a lot and I know you probably don't back at me but I figured if you knew, it would help me get over you (even if we didn't date in the first place haha)."

Wendy's face went blank as she thought. Then, an approving look appeared on her face. "Yep! I think that's great." Mica let out a nervous laugh, and held the phone close to her.

Her mind raced with thoughts of what he would say. "Sorry," or maybe, "Thanks for liking me."

'He's a gentleman, right?' She thought, 'He won't let me down too harshly.'

"Alright," announced Mica, "I'll do it." With god-like speed, she unlocked her phone and copy-pasted the draft. Before she could second-think her decision, she rushed into her messages and pasted confession onto the text box, recklessly not checking the name.

Then, she sent it and quickly turnt off her phone. The smile on Wendy's face widened, and she shrieked in excitement. "You did it, Mica!"

Mica nodded, and beamed sheepishly. Within a minute, her phone buzzed. "Oh my, did he reply?" Wendy quizzed, grabbing Mica's phone from her hand.

"Wai-" Before she could protest, Wendy was already typing her pass code and unlocking the phone.

Mica watched her face anxiously as she read his response. Her eyes scanning the screen, then they widened.

"Uh, Mica?" Wendy swallowed, "Did you check who you sent it to?" Mica nodded.

"Yeah," She answered, looking up at the ceiling, "Namjoon was the last person I texted so the conversation was at the top." Mica tilted her head, "Why?"

"You sent it to Jimin, Mica," Wendy deadpanned, "And he said he likes you too."

The room went deathly silent, and you could hear the bulky sound of the air-conditioning. Mica stayed quiet, her eyes blank.

When it finally dawned on her, she grabbed the phone back from Wendy. Her head was shaking side to side vigorously.

"But I was so..." Mica opened Jimin and her's conversation, only to see that she really did send it to the wrong person, and that Jimin said he liked her too.

Her mind filled with question marks, and anxiety. A mix of emotions, mostly not good. 'But why was he first on my messages...?'

She scrolled up, to see that he had messaged her a few minutes ago about a project they were doing.

"Oh my God," Mica whispered in realization, "Oh my God." She looked up at Wendy with the most distressed look she's ever made. Though Jimin was nice, and no doubt attractive, it was embarrassing since they weren't very close in the first place. He was just another flirt to her.

"What do I do?!" Mica panicked, "I don't even like Jimin! He likes me?! We're just friends, I didn't mean to send it to him! I can't say anything because if I said it was an accident he would be embarrassed and-"

Wendy grabbed Mica's shoulders, and shook her, "Breathe!"

"Maybe you should just tell him the truth that you didn't mean to send it to him." Wendy suggested, urging the phone towards Mica. Mica stared down at the phone, and shook her head.

Wendy let out a breathe of annoyance, "It wouldn't be nice for you to say that and not really mean it. Just tell him." Mica sighed, and looked at the wall of her room.

Jimin Park, the boy who was nearly the same height as her. He was one of the athletic's, despite his chubby childhood in elementary.

The judgement weighed into her head, considering pros and cons. Then she finally gave in.

Mica picked up the phone, and texted with consideration. "Sorry Jimin... that wasn't for you..." She deleted the last sentence, trying to think of a more thoughtful way to let him down. However in the end, she put back the original sentence.

Sending it, she shut off the phone in fear of his reaction. Mica felt bad, he was her 'friend' and she let him down like that. At the same time, not, because Jimin played with a lot of people's hearts, including her friends.

"Wow," Jimin replied immediately, "What a cruel joke, Mica." Mica left it unanswered, the guilt gnawing at her as Wendy distracted her.

Wendy looked at the worried look on Mica's face, the guilt evident. "Let's sleep, and deal with it at school," Wendy said softly, placing Mica's phone on the nightstand.

The next day, Mica's eyes were complimented by a dark pair of bags. Though, she felt unusually insecure and felt the need to make herself pretty that day.

At school, Mica and Wendy snuck in successfully without seeing Jimin.

There were a lot of close calls. Bathroom breaks, seeing Jimin in the hall or going to the next class and making awkward eye contact with the athletic boy.

It wasn't until lunch that everything blew over.

Mica sat alone outside, as Wendy had a student council meeting. The wind was slightly stronger that day, and Mica had to place her hands on her lap to prevent her skirt from flying.

Many voices could be heard, from students also eating or others playing games during the break. From behind, a whine was heard. But Mica ignored it, and continued to eat.

"Wow, Mica," A deeper voice said, "First a bad joke, now you're ignoring me?" Mica looked up to see Jimin with his hands in his pockets.

He was alone, thankfully, and helped himself to a seat beside Mica. For some reason. Mica flushed, avoiding eye contact with the boy as she continued to eat. The silence was awkward and deafening, and Mica had the internal instinct to get out of there. But she courageously spoke up and broke the silence.

"D-did you actually mean it?" Mica asked timidly, playing with her chopsticks. "The I-like-you thing?" Jimin looked at her, and he nodded.

His gaze went back to the distance, and he held his knees close to himself. "Just because I date a lot doesn't mean I can't like someone meaningfully." Mica pursed her lips, cursing herself for assuming that exact thing.

Jimin playfully out an arm around Mica's shoulder, and said something inaudible. "What?" Mica asked, the wind blocking out the sound. Jimin turned to her, and repeated it again, only to be overturned by the wind.

"I can't hear you!" Mica semi-shouted, Jimin let out a sigh of frustration, before staring at Mica straight in the eye.

Then, in a flash, his face was right in front of hers and his dry lips touched hers for a second, before he pulled away.

Mica, whose eyes were wide and face red, stared at the also-red boy who looked away. Jimin put a hand in front of his face, "I've always wanted to do that." His cheeks were tinted red, and he looked back at Mica with determined eyes.

"I'll make you like me!" yelled Jimin, standing up and pointing at her, "So the next time the words, 'I like you', come out of your mouth, you'll actually mean it!" With a last breathe, Jimin stormed off.

Mica stared at his retreating figure, before touching her lips with her finger. Then she smiled, almost excited, "Now, what will you do Jimin?"

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