Jeon Jungkook | One-Sided Love Pt. II

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It's 1:38 AM and I have school tomorrow. I drank coffee, so there's no way I'm going to sleep soon. But here you go, I'll put my energy into this crappy piece of writing lol hope u guys like it. I'll dedicate this to -CupcakeCream- who asked for an imagine. It might not be what you wanted (yikes), but this'll be the closest thing to writing something sweet in the next month. I have exams, so to all of y'all, please don't be more disappointed if I don't post oops.

My friendships never changed. The only relationship affected was that between him and I, which wasn't much to begin with.

Often, he'd give sassy remarks or laugh at a joke I'd made to the class. But that was the closest thing to interaction.

After the confession, disaster struck Seungji. Seungji told me everything. How Jin broke up with her, how she found out Jungkook's feelings remained, how her feelings for Jin still remained and how confused she was at his actions. Maybe not disaster, but it caused many problems for her.

It was due to Yoongi, Jungkook's close friend but as well as someone to watch out for, that Seungji found out. Yoongi spent no time telling Seungji that Jungkook still liked her. Seungji was surprisingly shocked.

For such a smart and keen girl, you'd think she would have noticed. Jungkook constantly texting her, showing signs of jealousy, almost obsessing over her.

But no, her surprise made me want to shove it into her face saying, 'I told you so.' Jungkook ended up confessing to Seungji once again. Over text, like the coward he is.

I have no idea why I liked him. He's so tall, and his eyes are so- so brown, like mud and his hands are so large they could probably kill me.

After his confession, Seungji rejected him slowly. According to V, Jungkook knew he didn't have a chance.

Days or weeks, it might've been. Jimin told me that Jungkook was ready to move on from Seungji, but I acted like I didn't care.

Secretly, I wish I didn't. But a spark of hope lit inside of me at the time, but the waters of despair quickly extinguished it.

Jungkook was often- nice? after his confession. He would greet me in the hallways whenever our eyes would connect, he would smile a lot more often, and he would often ask me mindless questions.

One day, I got fed up. My parents strangely missing from home more often, papers they'd hide, their quiet conversations. His confusing signals, my jealousy towards Seungji.

"Will you stop?" I asked in a calm tone, pulling out one earbud. Jungkook tilted his head.

"Stop what?" He quizzed, and I internally sighed. Sweat formed on my palm, and my heart began pounding at his gaze but somehow I didn't allow it to show.

"You keep asking me stupid questions," I stated straightforwardly, as I shut my textbook, "Really annoying." I clicked my tongue, before gathering my books to sit elsewhere.

I didn't look back, but something told me he was a bit hurt. Somewhere, deep (like 30 metres) down, there was a twinge of guilt.

Then I thought, "Maybe he's just doing this to provoke my feelings for him again... What an asshole. He knows I liked him, but yet he continues like this? Cruel."

Days later, Seungji proceeded to tell me her problems of how Yoongi confessed to her, while V told her that Jin still liked her. I love Seungji, no doubt about it, but was she ever lucky to have boys almost falling at her feet.

Can't blame her. She's gorgeous- skinny, straight teeth, tall (at least, taller than me), somewhat athletic, intelligent, insanely kind. I could list on forever, and I could never find a flaw.

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