Park Jimin | Empty

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Jimin trailed behind Y/N, as she held onto the small hand of her younger sister. The dark sand slowly began to seep in between his toes, but he ignored it watching the girl in front of him.

"Be my girlfriend," Jimin pleaded, "For 3 months. Until I can get Sungji back."

He asked that almost three months ago. The last day was slowly coming up, and Jimin couldn't help but feel disappointed.

During the first month, Sungji got another boyfriend. It left him pretty heartbroken, but somehow Y/N got him over it and to keep trying.

And during all of that, somehow they got closer. No one else knew beside the two of them that they were faking the entire relationship. Her parents believed it, his parents believed it, their friends believed it.

They shared hugs and kisses and awkward dates but through all of that, Jimin still was discovering new things about her. She was unpredictable. You'd think she was emotional, seeing her cry over sad movies, but he was shocked at how fierce she was at debates and arguments, even if it meant hurting feelings.

Jimin didn't know how. Instead of looking for Sungji's head, he looked for Y/N's. He held her hand even if they weren't around Sungji. He gave her kisses even when no one was around.

Somewhere in him, Jimin had the tiniest bit of hope that she would like him back too. She never brushed his hand away or denied his kisses, but neither did she initiate it.

There was so much to discover about her, and Jimin only dipped into the ocean that was Y/N.

"Your hands are so small," Jimin heard Y/N coo, her head turned towards her smaller sister. The three year old laughed, shaking their intertwined hands. "Unnie's hands used to be that small too," Y/N spoke, swinging her arm.

"I'm going to have little hands like unnie!" The three year old exclaimed happily.

Jimin cracked a grin as Y/N laughed. "Look," Y/N said, stopping in the middle of the beach. She crouched down to the level of her sister, then opened her hand.

"Unnie's hand is so big!" Y/N laughed, as her sister placed her small one against Y/N's. "One day, you'll have hands as big as mine! Or maybe, even as big as oppa!" Y/N whispered the last part, discreetly looking over at Jimin.

He heard her though, and gasped playfully. Jimin opened his hand for Y/N's sister to see, and she gaped.

"I'm going to have hands as big as oppa's?" The toddler asked, shocked. Y/N nodded enthusiastically, a sweet smile on her face.

"Oh no," The little one exclaimed, looking down at her own hands. Y/N bursted out laughing, embracing the sibling in a tight hug.

"Okay, go now!" Y/N let go, "Look, eomma is waiting for you there!" The baby turned, seeing her own mother and began to run chubby steps towards her.

Y/N stood up, as Jimin slowly walked up to her. "What's wrong with big hands?" Jimin quizzed jokingly. Y/N turned to him, opening her own hands. She grabbed a hold of Jimin's hand, opened it widely.

Jimin felt a wave of anxiousness that made his palms sweat as Y/N placed her hand against his.

"Nothing," Y/N said, lifting the two hands for him to see, "They're actually very soft." Y/N gave a light and almost teasing squeeze as she intertwined their fingers before she let go and skipped away.

Jimin only gaped at her retreating figure, before wiping his sweaty palms on his shorts. With a slight smile, he jogged to catch up.


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