Kim Namjoon (Rap Monster) | Family Friends

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A/N: Hello my gr8 friends it's been a while. I sincerely apologize for not updating, and rather than presenting you with my excuses, I present to you an imagine that had been sitting in my documents for months waiting to be posted. A little bit of fluff, even.

P.S. I don't know what to title this????

Namjoon has always had the same family friends, since a young age. The same aunts and uncles, and the same children he played with.

Together, they grew up. No matter the distance, no matter the gap between their contacts, they still grew up together.

Namjoon liked to call it, the Bangtan group. Of his parents' family friends, they all had sons around his own age. They all grew up close, together.

And then there was Y/N, and others. The other aunts and uncles, who bore females instead of males.

Y/N was one of the youngest of that group, but the most mature. If they went out, they relied on her to speak to the clerk or plan it out.

She was a woman of little words, barely speaking but did when she needed. Easily read the situation and knew what and what not to do.

There were often times when the people of her group didn't attend the family house parties. And she was stuck between adults that didn't let her put in a word or the Bangtan group.

She chose the Bangtan group.

And whenever she did, she sat quietly beside Jungkook and Taehyung. Never really contributed to the conversation, only mindlessy nodding or ignoring them altogether to listen to music.

Namjoon thought she didn't care, thought that she just didn't want be alone.

But he realized the truth. A common topic for the Bangtan boys were songs, new recommendations daily.

And Y/N seemed distracted whenever they talked about it, not listening. But she proved Namjoon wrong.

"Have you seen Straight Outta Compton?" Namjoon asked the guys, and girl, as they were lounging in his room, "I love the song, and the movie was great. I kinda think that song pushed me into hiphop."

"Yeah, I remember," J-Hope reminisced, "We were twelve, right? You found that song and then suddenly you were so into hip hop!" Namjoon laughed, along with J-Hope and a few others.

From the corner of his eye, Y/N's ears seemed to perk up but other than that, she showed no sign of acknowledgement.

The party that night was in his house. And since her parents were extra good friends with Namjoon's, she stayed behind longer than the rest.

She quickly fell asleep, in the Namjoon's room against the wall with her headphones plugged in. Namjoon found her there, when instructed by Y/N's mom to tell her they were leaving.

Slowly, he walked up to the bed. Y/N's back faced him, and the slight noise from her headphones could be visible.

And in that moment, Namjoon thought. What was she listening to? What did she enjoy, that she'd rather listen to it than socialize?

Namjoon slowly picked up an earbud that fell out. Carefully he brought it to his ear, pleasantly surprised.

The lyrics for 'Straight outta Compton' and the passionate voice of Ice Cube flowed through his ears, surprising Namjoon. Coincidentally, that was the song recommendation Bangtan had been talking about.

He out the earbud down, then watched Y/N's curled up figure. Did she download it today? Or had she always listened to it?

Namjoon would've continued thinking, but he couldn't because he heard foot steps slowly ascending the stairs.

In a hurried manner, he began to shake Y/N.

"Wake up," He cooed, "You're going now, Y/N."

It took another moment, but Y/N slowly turned her head towards Namjoon. With one headphone in, she slowly sat up, blinking heavily.

Her eyes were red from fatigue, and her hair was messy from sleeping.

Namjoon needed not to say more, because Y/N mom appeared at the doorframe.

"What's taking you so long?" Y/N's mother asked, "Let's go!"

Y/N remained still for a moment, before moving her legs over the edge of the bed. "Sorry," She muttered to her mom, as she picked up her phone from the bed.

"Bye," She greeted quietly to Namjoon, barely audible as she followed her mother out the door.

Namjoon looked at her retreating figure, that was halfway down the stairs before he muttered back a weak, "goodbye," in return.

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