Kim Seokjin (Jin) | Roaring Wind

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A/N: BTS' comeback killed me :') Try to listen to Run while reading this.

Happy (late) Birthday, hubby<3

This is kind of confusing, but I tried to make it similiar to the itmfl videos where there could be more than one meaning. So, good luck figuring it out LOL

For @lockedheart_12 (I hope that's your username, I'm not sure)

The shorter girl laughed, pulling on the older boy's arm as they ran against the breeze.

"Slow down!" Jin yelled, grinning as he followed the girl down the shore. But she only turned her head, her hair whipping everywhere as she stuck her tongue out playfully.

She began to pump her legs harder, increasing her pace and the distance between both her and Jin.

The short girl disappeared into the trees, the forest opening up in front of them.

"Yah!" Jin yelled, stopping to regain his breath, "Y/N! Where'd you go?!"

Jin slowly began to walk into the trees, the gloomy skies darkening as the trees hooded over him. "Y/N!" Jin called, "It's seriously dangerous!"

Though the trees covered his surroundings, the sound of rushing water roared hinting that they were near to shore.

Soon, the trees thinned and opened a small clearing. Green grass that faded into an ugly brown, complimented by the grey clouds above.

The sea was open over a cliff, miles of ocean roaring loudly. Windy and cloudy.

As Jin walked into the clearing, he neared the cliff. He glanced over the horizon, appreciating the dim skyline.

He turned, when a weak hand grasped the end of his shirt. Jin's eyes looked down at Y/N, who smiled weakly.

She didn't say anything, instead turning towards the empty sea.

"It's kind of pretty, isn't it?" Jin asked, sighing as he glanced over to the inviting sea. Beside him, Y/N nodded.

Jin stepped closer, the wind blowing at his hair. Y/N kept a careful grasp on the end of his shirt, then quickly let go before enveloping him in a hug from behind.

Jin only rested a hand on her arms around his waist. After a few minutes, he turned towards Y/N and intertwined their fingers.

He gave her a sad smile, and she smiled comfortingly in return. She turned to face the clearing, the wind from the sea blowing into their backs.

The dark forest was dark and uninviting, the shadows threatening to reach out.

With hands entertwined, Jin looked at Y/N and smiled one last time before taking a step back.

If Y/N said something, Jin couldn't hear. The wind roared loudly in his ears as they plummeted, Y/N's cold hand the only item of comfort to him. The sea below came closer and closer, and the distance decreased at the second.

But Jin smiled, closing his now empty hand. He turned, seconds before hitting the cold rushing water, Y/N gone and instead replaced with the roaring wind.

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