Kim Taehyung (V) | FaceTime

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A/N: I just love Taehyung audkwncjehckshdksk

Based off a video I saw on Instagram. I can't link it, or upload the video (at least on mobile :/)


"Wait, let me sing along to this song," Taehyung said abruptly, standing up. His bright red sweater contrasted from his surrounds, as he froze in spot. He listened closely, the music flowing through his earbuds.

Y/N only watched in amusement, smiling brightly as she watched her friend get ready.

Then he began to lip sync, though no music in the back. Y/N narrowed her eyes, looking closely at his lips to read what he was saying.

Then, the silence was interrupted by a door that slammed open. Y/N watched, as Taehyung whipped his head to look at the intruder.

"HELLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOO~" The loud, familiar voice yelled. Y/N looked at Taehyung's panicky face, before both J-Hope and Jimin appeared on the screen.

"HELLLOO~" J-Hope repeated, sitting completely in front of Taehyung. Jimin rushed to his side, grinning.

"WAIT!" Taehyung tried to slide between both Jimin and J-Hope, to grab the camera. But Jimin and J-Hope only seemed even more pumped, as they laughed even more.

It seemed Taehyung knew what they were going to do. Y/N only looked in confusion, between the three arguing figures.

"Don't listen to them!!" Taehyung tried to yell frantically, his arm stretching out to the camera.

But he couldn't stop J-Hope who instantly neared the camera.

"Taehyung likes you!" J-Hope yelled excitedly, a bright smile on his face. It was as if it only got louder, as Jimin hooted in the background and Taehyung began to whine.

Y/N only looked taken aback, eyes slightly wider in shock. "Yah, yah, yah!" Taehyung yelled, half in a whiny tone and half in a scolding tone.

J-Hope only seemed to guffaw with Jimin, with Y/N smiling at their banter. It stopped, when the camera suddenly shut off and the FaceTime call ended.

Y/N opened her eyes wider, looking at the sudden blank screen. "What?" She said out loud, grabbing the phone and looking down.

She shut it off, thinking for a moment. J-Hope's voice suddenly run out in her head, echoing. "Did he mean it?" Y/N thought out loud. Unintentionally, a smile made its way to her face with a pink tint.

Y/N closed her eyes, and her shoulders lifted upwards in a small laugh. She shook her head, before finally turning her phone on again.

"Are you busy?" Y/N texted quickly, "Should we just FaceTime next time?" Taehyung didn't seem to reply, so she placed the phone back onto her nightstand. But only after a moment, it popped with a notification.

"HE LIKES YOUDJENDKSNXJW," Taehyung's message read. Y/N gave a confused look. What was that mess of letters?

"Sorry. That was Hoseok hyung. I'll message you later when we can chat, yeh?~" Y/N smiled faintly.

"Yeah," Y/N typed, smiling, "Of course."

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