Jung Hoseok (J-Hope) | Figure it Out

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A/N: I literally don't know how to write like I used to I'm so sorry omg I'm gonna keep trying

Nearly everyday after self-study, Y/N would happen to run into Hoseok. She could never contain her happiness when she saw his face, patiently waiting for her behind the school doors. Nearly every time they ran into each other, the two of them would end up going out somewhere.

She was glad. Her feelings would remain satisfied as the two of them continued to go out after school, just the two of them. "Hey Y/N!" Hoseok greeted enthusiastically. His sweet smile filled his face and Y/N couldn't help but return the gesture.

Even if they did go out everyday, Y/N knew the reason. She knew Hoseok shared her feelings. A few weeks ago, she happened to overhear him admitting it to his friends. She was so overwhelmingly happy, but it has been weeks. 'Was he not going to confess?' She thought to herself. 'Maybe I should give him a little push.'

"Hello Hoseok," She let out a small smile, dampened by her frustrated thoughts. He noticed the slight change in mood, but continued to speak.

Hoseok turned around, already walking in the opposite direction. Having done so, so many times, he assumed she would be following closely behind. But he stopped when he couldn't hear her footsteps that usually scurried to catch up to him.

"...Y/N?" He asked, his head tilting in confusion.

Y/N caught his eyes, then looked away. "I don't want to go out today," She replied timidly. In truth, Y/N's heart raced as she denied his offer for the first time.

"What?" Hoseok repeated, completely confused. "What are you feeling today? Like, we can get bingsoo or something." This time he completely turned his entire body towards her.

Y/N frowned, slowly walking up to him. "That's not what I want," She admitted. "Try asking again tomorrow. Maybe you'll get it." When Hoseok's shoulders slumped and his bright smile faded, Y/N began to regret her decision.

But she knew if this continued, they weren't gonna go anywhere.

Y/N scurried off, leaving Hoseok behind as she passed by the school gates. Within a few meters of the gates, someone leaned against the wall staring at her.

"...Hello Namjoon," Y/N greeted, as she passed his tall figure leaning against the wall. Just as she was to continue walking, he called out her name.

"Hey Y/N," He said as he pushed himself off the wall. "Why did you deny Hoseok's invitation? You guys always hang out after school."

Y/N frowned. She was happy that Hoseok had friends looking out for him, but she still wasn't satisfied with the reminder of where their relationship was going.

"I don't want to go out and eat with him," said Y/N, confusing Namjoon even more. "I don't want food. I want his confession."

Namjoon was taken aback by her bluntness, his head physically moving back. Then he chuckled and smirked. "So you found out his feelings, huh?" Namjoon asked.

Y/N nodded. "Of course," answered Y/N. A small blush dusted her cheeks. "And I like him too," She admitted quietly.

Namjoon could just barely hear what she was saying, but when it registered, he only wanted to laugh. Y/N saw his growing smile, and tried to rid herself of the growing embarrassment.

"I've gotta go, I'll see you around." Y/N bowed slightly before quickly scurrying off.

The next day, Y/N stepped outside to see Hoseok waiting patiently for her. She smiled, thankful he didn't give up yet. When he caught sight of her, he ran up to her. She wondered if Namjoon had told Hoseok her true intentions.

"I figured it out, Y/N!" Hoseok grinned. Stopping right in front of her, Y/N tried not to be persuaded by his luring eyes. "You wanted a sundae, not bingsoo right?"

Instantly Y/N deadpanned, an urge to place her hand on her forehead rising. "No," She huffed, crossing her arms frustrated. 'I guess Namjoon didn't tell him.' "Try again tomorrow."

The following day, Hoseok stopped Y/N even before he saw her. "I got it," Hoseok said again this time, a determined look on his face.

"Okay, what is it?" Y/N asked, pursing her lips and looking up at Hoseok.

"You wanna go to that festival this weekend, right?" Hoseok asked, hopeful he had finally hit the spot.

Y/N's eyes glimmered with excitement. 'A date?' She thought. But then, she reminded herself that's not what she wanted.

"You're close!" She grinned. "But no," She deadpanned, tightening her grip on her bag and getting ready to leave.

This time, Hoseok stomped his foot against the ground like a child throwing a temper. "C'mon Y/N! I miss hanging out with youuuuu," He whined, pouting as he wrapped an arm around you.

Y/N blushed at the sudden contact. "T-then figure out what it is I want!" She whined in reply, crossing her arms and mimicking his tantrum.

"But what is it?" Hoseok pouted, leaving his arm on her as they walked off school property. "I've been trying to think for says what it is you want, and I still don't know!"

Once they were out of earshot of others, Y/N removed herself from his grip. She debated whether or not to tell him the truth.

"Okay fine," She finally gave in, crossing her arms and standing in front of Hoseok. His eyes lit up, finally receiving the answer he's been waiting for for days.

"L-look," She stammered, her face flushing as she realized the words that were about to come out of her mouth. "D-do you like me or not, pabo?! Everyone knows we like each other and I'm so frustrated waiting for you to say something. I don't wanna continue walking the fine line between friends and lovers like we have been for months now!"

When she finished, a look of shock was evident on Hoseok's face. Y/N only flushed deeper. "Nevermind..." She sighed, trying to play off both her embarrassment and hurt as she hurriedly running off.

Thankfully, it was the weekend and Y/N had three days to mull over what she had just did. 'Why did I have to be so selfish?' She thought to herself, hugging her pillow. 'I should've just left things the way they were before. What if I was wrong and he didn't like me at all? What if I get back and he doesn't want to be friends even?' Negative thoughts drifted her mind all weekend, the look of shock on his face imprinted in Y/N's mind.

When Monday came, it was like classes went by so fast. She dreaded walking towards the exit at the end of the day, not knowing whether or not she was scared or excited to see his next move.

As soon as she walked out the doors, a hand pulled her along to the side of the school quickly. Swiftly, they turned to look at her and Y/N's face flushed.

"Oh, um, h-hey..." She greeted Hoseok awkwardly, looking anywhere but at him. Her eyes ended up looking at their feet, where her face could be hidden from Hoseok's view.

But a rustle of plastic broke her train of thought, and instead of their shoes, Y/N was looking at a beautiful bouquet of roses. Quickly, she looked up at Hoseok's bashful face tinted with redness.

"Y-Y/N," Hoseok started. Then he cleared his throat and tried again. "Y/N. I've liked you for months now, please go out with me!" When all she did was stare, mesmerized by him, he flushed and instead used the bouquet of roses to hide his red face.

A small chuckled resounded through the air. Y/N's warm hands covered Hoseok's and took the bouquet to reveal his embarrassed face.

With all the courage she could muster, she went on her tip toes to place a chaste kiss on Hoseok's cheek. It was barely even on the cheek, instead it was moreso on the very tip of his lips.

Y/N leaned back, a huge grin enveloping her face as her cheeks were rosy. He looked back at her, cheeks rivalling her colour as he finally let out a breath of relief and smiled.

Y/N took his hand, intertwining their fingers and looked up at him. "You finally figured it out, idiot. Of course I'll go out with you."

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 02, 2017 ⏰

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