Park Jimin | Titles

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"Y/N ah!" Jimin called out. Y/N looked up from her book, seeing her friend rush to the table she sat at.

The school was buzzing with people, but not too loudly. However, Jimin's excitement stuck out from the rest.

"I'm going to try to make a title in the yearbook this year!" Jimin announced, jumping excitedly in his seat. He grinned widely, his apple cheeks appearing and revealing a sweet eye smile.

Y/N rose an eyebrow. "Really?" She asked. Jimin nodded, determined.

He leaned in, resting in the table. His face was close to hers, but he didn't seemed phased besides the bright smile. "There's best smile, best hair, best fashion, nicest person, smartest student, most extracurricular," Jimin explained, "I'll try for best smile first!"

Y/N just nodded absentminded, "Fine by me." He grinned, then stood up again.

"Wish me luck!"


"What's wrong with you?" Y/N asked as the two walked side by side to return home. His figure was slouched, and instead of a smile, his mouth was pulled down into a frown.

Jimin looked up sadly, "Taehyung got his teeth whitened today..." Y/N sucked in a sympathetic breathe, then shook her head.

She shrugged, "Out goes that title!" Y/N laughed, and Jimin smiled dryly.

"There're still the other titles," Y/N suggested. Jimin's misery suddenly brightened, after being reminded of his chance.

He took her hand, then looked at her with hopeful eyes, "You're right! I'll try for best hair!" Y/N glanced at his bowl cut, then gave him a supporting thumbs up with her free hand.

"Good luck!~"

Next day, Jimin came to school with his black hair in a tall quiff.

"Whoa," Y/N commented when the two met up that morning, "What up with... that." Jimin gave her a cool smile, running a slick hand through his hair, pretending to be cool. Y/N laughed, and Jimin seemed satisfied at her response.

The gel seemed to stick onto his hand, and Y/N slightly cringed at the shiny substance on his hands. "Nicest hair, remember?" Y/N took a moment to recall yesterday's events, then nodded.

"Well," Y/N managed to say, "Let's hope ya get noticed!" Jimin grinned, and Y/N gave one in response. Her cheeks felt warm, but she ignored it.

"Thanks, Y/N!~"

"No luck?" Y/N said as Jimin approached her at the end of the day. His hair was back to flat, but messy as if he ran his hand through it too much.

It was still slimy-looking from the gel he used

"Youngji came to school from the beauty salon," Jimin said exhausted, "Her hair was curled and everything! She even died it with like blonde tips." Y/N patted her best friends back sympathetically, then wrapped an arm over his shoulder. The two were quiet for a few minutes as they walked down the familiar road.

"There's still a lot more titles, you know?" Y/N said afterwards. Jimin looked down at her from his tall height, and nodded. He wasn't as excited like the last time she had notified him, but the fire in his eye was ignited again.

"I'll try."

And so, he did. Title after title, but always got the spotlight taken away from him.

Smartest student? That was already way taken away by Jae, the class nerd.

Best fashion? Rise took that title with her high heeled boots.

Nicest person? Krystal gave all of her allowance to a charity, then started another fundraiser at the school.

Most extracurricular wasn't possible. Jimin was only on the basketball team, and they were too into the year to join other clubs.

He felt hopeless, as he hugged Y/N to stop himself from crying.


"Maybe, as a gift from the gods of school, I got a title," Jimin muttered to Y/N as the teacher handed out the yearbooks.

Y/N chuckled, beginning to open the small booklet, "I probably didn't get nothin'. Don't really want any titles anyways..." She trailed off when she flipped to the pages for titles.

No titles were given to Jimin. Y/N glanced over at her friend with a softened gaze. She quickly looked away before he'd notice. Y/N could tell he felt deflated, even though he hadn't even opened the stupid book yet.

When she flipped the page, she was met with a new title.

'Best couple!' It read. What was under it made Y/N flush, and stare at it in confusion.

'Y/L/N Y/N and Park Jimin!' Underneath were pictures of all the times Y/N comforted Jimin after having his spotlight being taken away. From when he came to her table to tell her he'd try to get a title, to when he had to hug her so he wouldn't cry after losing the last title.

Y/N scratched the back of her neck, "You got a title, Jiminnie." Jimin's eyes went wide, and he leaned over to her desk.

"Where, where, wher..." He stopped when he read the title the two had been given.

Jimin's eyes widened, and he turned flustered. He quickly retreated back into his seat, then laughed a little.

He was interrupted by the girl behind him who tapped his shoulder. "The two of you are dating?" The two friends' eyes widened, and they quickly shook their heads.

The girl glanced between the two of them, then smiled knowingly. She nodded, "OK." She went back into her seat, but it wasn't long until other students started to ask.

"YES!" Jimin announced annoyed, standing up. He took Y/N's hand, intertwining it for effect, "We're dating! Got it?" Immediately, the room bursted into whispers, and Y/N pulled her hand out of his grip.

"What the hell are you doing?" Y/N hissed, pulling him down into his seat. He turned, and gave her a look.

"I'm getting annoyed," He admitted, "Yay, I got a title. Boo, they keep asking if we're dating. Might as well give them what they want."

Y/N made frustrated hand gestures. "But we aren't dating!" Jimin looked at her blankly, then shrugged.

"Then, we can pretend." Before she could respond, Jimin placed his hands on her cheeks and pulled her into him.

When their lips touched, Y/N could hear a squeal resound in the room.

The kiss was only a few seconds, with Y/N barely doing anything, but the room got so loud that someone may have thought they saw a celebrity.

"Jimin!" Y/N said harshly, pulling away. Her eyes were wide, and her cheeks flushed red.

Luckily, the teacher wasn't in the room.

Jimin smiled cheekily, "I always wanted to do that~" She flushed even more, and Jimin pinched her-already-warm cheeks.

She couldn't question any further, as the door opened. "Class!" The teacher yelled, "Quiet! We're here to learn! Not gossip about Jimin and Y/N!" The teacher, who was younger lady in her twenties, looked over at Y/N and winked.

Y/N just shrunk lower into her seat. Jimin laughed, then took her hand.

And throughout the lesson, he never let go.

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