Kim Taehyung (V) | Secret

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I had writers block for the longest time, I apologize. Also, I wrote this in second person but changed it so if there is any 'you' or stuff it's a mistake :/ also i have no idea how to write emotional stuff like I tried but


Y/N threw the stick away, to where it belonged with the rest of the trash in the bin. She looked up, staring at her own reflection in the mirror.

The disheveled hair, the thin shirt, the tired eyes. But her eyes moved down to her stomach, where she placed a hesitant hand upon.

"I'm gonna be a mother," Y/N whispered in realization, covering her mouth. Maybe it was the spur of the moment, maybe the knowing months of dread to come, but her eyes stung. Dreams of raising a child, feeling it kick, being able to carry it around. Things that she wanted since she got married. It was finally here.

"I'm gonna be a mother," Repeated Y/N in awe, clutching her stomach tighter as a sob erupted from her. She couldn't help but cry. The miracle of life, a human being made from her own DNA, growing inside of her.

It was a gift from above, upon her and her beloved husband, Taehyung. Y/N wiped the tears away, sniffling as she stared at herself again in the mirror.

"Get it together, Y/N," She told herself, slapping her cheek slightly, "Would your child want to see you like this? No." A bright smile enlightened her face, reaching from ear to ear as she wiped the last remnant of a tear.

As she stepped out the bathroom and into the apartment, the cold air and silence reminded her of her situation. What about Taehyung?

As she made her way back to the bedroom they shared, her mind began to race with different reactions.

"Yeobo! We're going to have a child!" "I'm going to be a father? Don't you think it's a little soon..." "Were you that careless?! I can't believe you got pregnant!"

Y/N took a tentative step towards the bed, then took a seat. Would he be mad?

Instead, Y/N kept her mouth shut as she greeted him good evening that night. And as the two of them went to sleep together, in the bed they shared with the life now growing between the two.

Y/N slowly opened her eyes, taking in the sudden light. Flecks and bits of dust flew around in the air, but she ignored it as she rolled onto her side.

Behind her, lay Taehyung asleep. His features relaxed and his breaths calm.

But as she examined the lovely being in front of her, a sick feeling in her stomach erupted, rising up her esophagus until it reached her throat. A knowing feeling came, as a gag erupted in her mouth.

She slapped a hand over her mouth, swinging her legs over the bed and she rushed to the washroom.

It all came up, vomit coming out relentlessly as Y/N rested her palms against the toilet seat.

It wouldn't stop. Tears grew at her eyes, until the absolute feeling of disgust died down enough for her to push down.

The taste in her mouth was horrendous, as she slowly stood up from the toilet. With the back of her hand, she wiped away the last remnants of spit as she made her way to the sink.

With the toothbrush, she began to brush away at every spot in her mouth. The taste wouldn't go away, thought Y/N, scrubbing so deeply into her mouth that she gagged once more.

After washing her mouth out, she continuously began to gulp away the feeling in her throat. She gripped the counter, breathing heavily in attempt to swallow away the merciless bile.

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