Min Yoongi (Suga) | Return

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You weren't too disturbed that Yoongi was constantly leaving. He was an idol, it was understandable.

While you were busy studying your butt off, he was living his dream. You were happy.

And of course, no one believed that their high school fling would last three years, into their college years. No one expected Yoongi, the perfect student body president to date. Let alone date one of the most high maintenance girls in their year.

And yet, the two still fell. You, as star student busy with extracurriculars, and Yoongi, barely passing by with his focus on music.

At first, you didn't believe he'd be an idol. You'd seen so many groups come and go, so many failed promotions and so many bad circumstances.

Yet, he was dominating the K-Pop industry with the rest of his group.

"You still have that bear?" Yoongi asked, looking up from his guitar at the white bear that sat on your bed.

"Yeah," You answered mindlessly, eyes focused on the text in front of you.

Yoongi shuffled around behind you. Then, he picked up the bear carefully. "Is there any significant importance to you that you've kept it for so long?" Yoongi asked, peering at the old bear curiously.

You shook your head and chuckled. "No," you answered, "I've just had it for a long time. Plus, it makes a great pillow."

Yoongi hugged the bear, the scent of you filling his nose. "It smells like you," He commented, walking over to peer over your shoulder.

"I sleep with it every night," You answered, "Of course it would."

"Huh," Yoongi said simply in reply, shrugged before returning to his original spot.

That time, it was his last visit before his debut. He was going to be gone for longer than usual. Instead of 6 or 7 months without visiting, it was going to be nearly a year.

You sighed, pecking his cheek and waving goodbye before closing the door behind him. He had to go home and pack for his flight the next day.

"What am I supposed to give?" You wondered, trudging back up the steps, "He's going to be surrounded by girls for a year. At least, hopefully."

You took a seat at your desk, then turned around to look around the room when your eyes landed on the deflated teddy bear laying on the bed. The memory of him asking about it flashed in your mind, and you smiled a little bit.

"Later," You thought, turning back to the textbook filled to the brim with words, "First, calculus."

"You're leaving already?" You joked, as your arms rested at his shoulders. He looked down at you, his hands at a safe distance as they rested on your hips.

Yoongi sighed, and smiled lazily. "You know how it is," He smiled wistfully, "I'm nervous for the debut."

"You'll do great," You reassured, your eyes staring deeply into his, "You've worked so hard for it."

"And, um..." You quickly added, a bit nervously as you slowly retreated from his touch. He looked at you confused. "I know I don't usually give you stuff," You started, rubbing your neck awkwardly, "But since you're debuting and stuff, you're going to be surrounded by girls and..." You didn't finish, gulping at the thought.

"Are you jealous?" Yoongi asked after a moment, smiling smugly. You only stuck your tongue out.

"Think what you want," You rolled your eyes playfully, before getting the garbage bag from beneath the airport seat, "But I don't want you forgetting about me, you know? So, here, I-um..."

Slowly, you untied the back and reached inside to pull out the same teddy bear from a week prior. "It's nothing flashy but," You tried to laugh off your embarrassment, slowly handing him the bear.

He studied it intently, with soft eyes and a gentle smile. "It's amazing," He reassured, looking at you and ripping his eyes off the bear. "But are you sure you're okay giving this to me? You've had it for such a long time..."

"Of course I'm not okay with giving it to you," You answered straightforwardly, scoffing. He quickly became confused, looking at the bear again. "When you come back next time, you have to give it back."

Yoongi's stern face melted off as he chuckled. "Sounds good to me," He replied, placing the bear underneath his arm. "Thanks, Y/N."

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