Tom: Draw your character

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Imagine that you are part of the cast and you all have to draw your character. (Based on the video.)

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<<<(Y/N's P.O.V.)>>>

We were with Jimmy in the studio only in a different part than we were last time. We all sat on a couch. I sat on left side from Tom his couch while the other sat on a different couch.

"We did this last night and it went pretty great. We asked the actors from the movie to draw their characters, okay." Jimmy explained.

We all nodded. "So I've got pens, I've got pads and we'd like you to during the commercial break, draw your character. And we will auction it off for charity."

"You understand? Would you be willing to do that?"

"Yeah sure." I said.

"It'd be terrible if you said no right?" Mark asked.

"Indeed so don't say no." I said to Mark.

"Yeah let's do that."


"So we're going to take a break. When we come back, we're going to have a little arts and crafts time with the avengers. We'll be back." And with those words the commercial break began.

Jimmy gave us all pens and pads to draw in. "Everyone ready? Go!"

I thought about what I should draw. I really can't draw anything out of my head so I looked around to see if I could find something els to draw. I saw Tom. That's it I'm going to draw Tom. As I saw Tom being concentrated at his drawing I sneak peaked so now and then. I gave him another glance as he catched me looking at him. He raised an eyebrow. I just ignored him and went back to my drawing. He shooked his head and did the same.

Unfortunately the commercial break was already over.

I moaned. "Already. I'm not finished yet." I sighed.

"Everyone's hard at work on their drawings."

"We'll start at the far end, with Tom."

Tom put his pens away. "Your character is Loki. Let's see, let's see what you have."

"You've drawn it for us." Jimmy said while
Tom turned his pad around.

He put it next to his face and copied lokis smirk and gave the audience and the people at home a wink.

He put it next to his face and copied lokis smirk and gave the audience and the people at home a wink

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The audience started to clap. "Wow, that's not as bad as I thought it would be." I joked.

"Thank you." He rolled his eyes.

"No I mean it. Do you have any more hidden talents?" I asked.

"Yes, wait until tonight. Then I'll show it to you. A little sneak peak. You will have sore wrists and you'll be limping for at least a week." He said seducely.

Loki Laufeyson/Tom Hiddleston Imagines [Slow Updates]Where stories live. Discover now