" I mean I'm talking to you ?"

He gave me a playful smile.

" You got a point there but anyway Saturday what time did you want to come over ?"

I have to send a reminder for this, I keep forgetting I was suppose to hang out with him.

" I don't know, I'll text you and see."

" Win or lose ?"

I squinted at him.

" Like if we win or lose the game tomorrow would you still come ? I've seen the way these people take a loss and they need at least a week of breathing space before any kind of interaction."

Just then coach blew his whistle calling us to assemble.

" I'm not like these other people so win or lose of course we can still hang out !"

He tried to hide his smile as we gathered around.

" Alright team, as you know we've finally made it for one of the first times in Rydell's history to the State CHAMPIONSHIP!"

The team applauded in a explosion of victorious howling.

" And guess what ? We have home field advantage due to flooding from what I was told 'a bursted pipe' in one of the college stadiums where the State games are usually held in. We won the coin toss with Firestone High so it's home turf baby !"

More cheers and smiling faces emerged from coach's words.

" But lets not forget the reason we made it this far, Hassan stand up."

All eyes were on me, including Tanners vengeful death stare. As I stood and applause followed my lead, I was glued to Tanner's cold expression until coach started again.

" Hassan Jameson, thanks to you this season will go down in history as one of Rydell's best. Win or lose, even though we're of course going to win, you're attitude, skills, dedication, sportsmanship and talent is what got us this far."

He had a point with skills, but dedication and sportsmanship ? In all honesty I just did this for a past time cause my friends and I use to play in NewYork, on top of that I never interacted with most of these people off the court and they knew that.

" It's not just because of me ! Everyone on this team contributed to each one of our wins, we all need each other to be great ! If one screw is out of place the whole machine falls apart, my role and contributions are just as equal to everyone else's." I said trying to give my best 'team captain' pep talk.

Tanner looked more infuriated then before. I don't know what could have struck a nerve so hard but it looked like he was ready to pounce now.

Just then the whistle blew signaling the real practice was about to start.


" Good practice man, see you tomorrow dude !" A kid who I think is named Kyle said to me while exiting the locker room.

The sweat dripped down my face and I heaved with exhaustion. It was around five when we all finished practice and started to take showers. I don't take public showers so I've always waited last until everything clears out before I go in.

As I opened my locker a poster sized picture of me and Lawrence from the beach fell to my feet.

" Well well well..." the voice followed by the slow claps triggered instant anger in me.

I turned to see a wet Tanner shirtless with a towel wrapped around his waist.
" Funny how I told you to let me back on the team, and you did ! But during practice no one seemed to notice I was there ? Not even pass me the ball..."

" I don't have control over-

" Oh but see here's where you're wrong HASSAN, you DO have control over them. You're the team cap again after all..." his voice was dangerous..almost intimidating.

" Here's whats going to happen tomorrow Hassan, I want you to make all passes to me, just you. Whenever you get the ball it goes directly to me and you make no shots what so ever."

" And if I don't ?"

" Well....you see how easy it was to put that poster in your gym locker ? I wonder how all of Rydell would feel if they seen the outcast and the popular kid shaking up in the sand. I hear homophobia in this town is pretty high you know."

If it wasn't for those pictures being his safety insurance I would do tore him apart in this very moment.

He snapped his fingers

" Understand Hassan ?"

I looked at him furiously unable to vocally or physically respond, once I started I feared not stopping.

He smiled.
" I think you get the memo, welp, I'll catch you tomorrow then ! Don't be late. Get home safe Hassan." He said confidently snickering.

As the doors closed I fell back to my locker holding the poster in hand.

What was suppose to be a heartfelt moment, a spark felt only once in a life time, a prerequisite to eternal happiness was being used against me.

Just then I caught familiar eyes staring at me.

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