"What was that for?" He complained as he glared at her, she glares back but to him, she looks too cute.

"How many times have i told you not to do it again?!" She said her voice raised.

"Says the person who as been ignoring me!" He jibed back.

"What as me ignoring you got to do with you smoking?!"

"So you still care about me?" His voice turned edgy and soft.

"Of course i do you nincompoop" she said angrily giving him a hard knock.

"Ow! What was that for?!" She rolled her eyes, stretching out her jean covered leg, using her shoe to stump on the cigarette and lighter. "That was my favourite lighter"

"Deal with it!" She snaps at him as he raised his hands up in mock surrender. She sighs, staring into space again, the tensed moment forgotten. Antonio stares at her as she was deep in thought.

"I heard what happened... Are you OK?" He asks her softly. She nods, fondles the pendant again, she loves doing that whenever she is scared, angry or frustrated. The cold feeling brings a sense of calmness.

"Am okay"

"That what I keep telling you, he is going to hurt you__"

"Are you here to see me or to rub my mistakes on my face" she turns to him, wincing inwardly at her words. Hunter was never a mistake.

"No am not" he tug her by her arm pulling her closely to him, she rests her head on his shoulder, inhaling his cologne. Hunter's own is more calming to her. "I just want you to know that a lot of people care about you, I care about you and I want you to be happy"

"I know Tony" she sighs, she felt his stare on her face, it was starting to make feel uncomfortable, she turns her head to look up at him.

He was staring at with so much love and awe "why can't you just give me a chance princess?" He whispers softly in her ear, she abruptly lifts her head, her hand knocking out her cup of chocolate in the process.

She tries to stand but he grabs her wrist, keeping a steel hold on it. "Tony... Let go of me!" She snaps really angry.

"No!" He voiced sounding pissed off "you need to hear this, I really like you Leah, and I know you do too" she stares at him... He looks deranged.

"Antonio! I only had a crush on you back in high school! That was then, my feelings are long gone and buried! Now let go of me Antonio!" She tries again but instead he takes her other hand in his, pulling her closer as she was trying to fight him of. "What is wrong with you, where is all this coming from" she whimpers as she stares into his now very dark, hollow eyes. She is really scared now. They were attracting attention from the passersby.

"You are mine Leah" he growls tightening his old on her waist, her eyes brims with tears, she was really scared. All of a sudden, he was pulled of her by someone. She gasps as the person throws a punch at his face, repeatedly.

"Hunter.." She whimpers as he looks up at her, he looks mad. Antonio used the opportunity of distraction to change position, they were both throwing punches at each other now but Hunter seems to be gaining the upper hand. "Stop it" she rasped quietly out with tears in her eyes as she watches in shock as her boyfriend beats up her best friend. She burst into tears as they were separated by Matt and one other guy who was also a worker in the bakery. She was very grateful.

"I will get you for this!" Antonio roared as he was held back by Matt and the other guy. Hunter dust his shirt glaring at him as a man from the crowd that as gathered checked if he was okay. Antonio as a black eye and a busted lip while Hunter had a cut on his eyebrows but he looks fine.

"I dare you, you son of a bitch.. Stay away from my girlfriend" he growled sounding calm but he was raging inside. First he had to deal with Claire, now him.

"Bastardo!" He cuss him out in his native tongue.

"Shut up! Both of you!" Emilia voiced screamed out from the commotion. "What give you the right to do this rubbish here?!" she got in between the two, pointing her rolling pin at the both of them.

"He was try_" she cuts Hunter off.

"Save it! Don't you guys have any shame... You are even scaring her with your barbaric act"

They both turn to look at Leah who was standing in shock. Matt disperse the crowd then walks up to Leah.

"Are you okay?" She nods her head shakily. He places her palm on her shoulder pulling her into a hug as she cries, she doesn't even know why she was crying. "Its alright, they are both gone" he gently pats her head, as she tip toes, peeping to look at where they were a while ago. She heard her mom and Matt conversing.

"Are you okay honey?" She nod as she pulls her into a hug as Matt went back to change. There was silence for a minute. "When we get home, we need to talk... Now wipe your tears" she said softly wiping her tears with her apron, she nods again. Matt came outside ready to go.

"C'mon sis... Let's get some ice cream, I will pay" he stretch out his hand, she contemplated "I will buy you your favourite" he smiles at her as she smiles back taking his hand, he slings his arm over her shoulder as they both start heading out.

Today did not work out the way she planned.

Who was expecting that? Like they had a fight?! 😮😨

#219- elite out of 2.62k
#23- alexpettyfer out of 482
Guys... We are coming up.
@haslinabdullah. Thank you so much for voting... 😘😘

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