SEOKJIN: Cooking Class

Start from the beginning

"Okay, and now we are going to start on the sauce. First we need to cut the chili peppers" the teacher announced and you reached for the chili peppers at the same time as the guy next to you. Your hands briefly touched and your heart fluttered, cheeks burning. Shyly pulling your hand away, you glimpsed at him only to see him chuckling at your cute reaction.

He handed you a chili pepper, "Sorry, my bad. Ladies first of course" he said and you swear you heard the woman in front of you go "awww". Taking the pepper from him, you gave him a small nod.

"I am Seokjin by the way" he casually added, as he continued to cook. "But people usually call me Jin." He turned to you, once again shooting a dazzling smile your way. "What is your name?"

"(Y/N)" you responded, trying not to get too distracted by him. You were already a couple steps behind, you couldn't slack off now.

As time went on, you became more frantic, trying to catch up to the others. Your sauce had turned out too thick and the meat you had prepared was burnt a little at the sides.

You were now working on the side dish, but you had no clue how to do it. Jin noticed that you were struggling. He on the other hand was a pretty impressive cook, he didn't seem to have any troubles as he breezed easily through the recipe. As you reached for the salt, you accidentally tripped over a bowl, which almost fell down to the floor, but Jin's reflexes were quick, so that he caught it last second.

"Woah, take it easy (Y/N)" he said, chuckling lightly, as he moved behind you, taking the spoon from your hand and making a taste test of your sauce. Your body froze. He was standing so close to you, his chest touching your back. His lean figure was towering over you. You could smell his cologne and for reasons unknown it made your knees weak.

Trying not to blush, you ignored the jealous stares of the women around you.

"Oooo" you heard Jin say, as he grimaced. "You put too much salt in it."

You felt embarrassed and offended at the same time, taking the spoon rather harshly from him, you huffed. Why did he even care? Couldn't he just mind his own business?

Jin thought that you were really cute, you had caught his attention the minute he had stepped into the room.

"But the base is really good" he continued, "If you add a little sugar and a good amount of water, it will balance out the salt and the consistency will be much better."

Your ears perked at that, as you attentively listened to his suggestions. You watched him put in a table spoon of sugar and pour half a glass of hot water into the sauce.

"Stir it" Jin instructed and you did as told. "Now taste it" he said. Putting the spoon up to your lips, you tasted your sauce. Your eyes immediately widened at the major difference.

"This is good" you blurted in surprise, looking at Jin with a wide smile. He smiled back at you, his heart melting just a little at the sight of your happy face.

"See, there's nothing you cannot fix" he said.

"Thank you" you told him sincerely, feeling bad now for having reacted like that earlier. He was only trying to help. He was a good guy.

For the remainder of the class, Jin gave you tips on how to improve your dishes and helped you out once he was done with his own meal. You felt more comfortable around him now. He didn't make you feel embarrassed or belittled you, he actually gave you constructive criticism with which you could work and encouraged you to try harder. To your utter surprise you found yourself enjoying the cooking class much more than you thought you would in the beginning. At the end of the lesson, the teacher went around and made a taste test with every meal, giving a little feedback. When it was your turn, you felt your heart race and palms grow sweaty.

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